

Hubert Damisch and Stephen Bann:A Conversation
摘要 本文是英国艺术史家巴恩对法国艺术史家、哲学家达米施的学术访谈。达米施首先回顾了他的学术历程,他和法国学术界如梅洛-庞蒂、弗朗卡斯泰尔、德里达的文化关联,以及和美国艺术史学界尤其是夏皮罗深入而长久的交流。接着,达米施重点谈到了他对视觉艺术的兴趣是如何与符号学理论密切联系在一起的,他把自己看作是“移置”(displacement)的哲学家,即把概念进行移置,比如把“结构”“历史”“云”的概念移置到艺术领域。通过这种把异质性元素以结构化方法联系到一起的方式,达米施开辟了富有个人特色的艺术研究路径。达米施还谈到了他在《云的理论》和《透视的起源》中对布鲁内莱斯基所做的著名实验的理论阐释,他认为“透视”起源的几何学理解和拉康意义上的“科学的主体”概念吻合,而科学和艺术之间的联系,正是欧洲传统的特征。此外,达米施谈论的话题也涉及到艺术和美学中的一些重要问题,如“画”(tableau)、“分析的图像学”、精神分析、“特征”(trait)、抽象等。 This conversation is an academic interview with French art historian and philosopher Hubert Damish by several scholars and art historians such as Stephen Barn,John Goodman,Jon Bird,Margaret Iversen,Yve-Alain Bois,among which the dialogue between Stephen Barn and Hubert Damish is the main part.(Due to the length of the publication,the latter part of the translation is omitted.)In this conversation,Damisch first reviewed his academic experience,his close connection with eminent figures of French academia such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty,Pierre Francastel,Jacques Derrida,as well as his deep and profound relationship with American art history,especially the long-term communication with Meyer Schapiro.Then,Damisch focused on how his interest in visual art is closely related to semiotic theory.He sees himself as a philosopher of“displacement”,that is,to displace concepts.For example,the concepts of“structure”,“history”,and“cloud”are transferred into the field of art.Through this way of linking heterogeneous elements together in a structural way,Damish has opened up a unique path of art research with personal imprint.Damisch also talked about the theoretical interpretation of Brunelleschi’s famous experiments which he made in his A Theory of/Cloud/and The Origin of Perspective.He believes that the geometrical understanding of the origin of“perspective”is consistent with the concept of“subject of science”in the Lacanian sense,and the connection between science and art is exactly the characteristic of European tradition.In addition,the topics that Damish talked about also involve some important issues in art and aesthetics,such as“tableau”,“analytical iconography”,psychoanalysis,“trait”,abstraction,etc.
作者 王伟(译) 陈书焕(校) Hubert Damisch;Stephen Bann;Wang Wei;Chen Shuhuan
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第12期125-134,178,共11页 Academic Research
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“20世纪的历史学和历史学家”(19ZDA235)的阶段性成果。








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