

A cluster analysis of suicide attempters in rural Shandong Province according to their suicidal behaviors
摘要 目的以自杀未遂者的自杀行为特征为依据进行聚类分析,识别自杀未遂者的不同类型,并探究各类型自杀未遂者的特征差异。方法运用面对面访谈的方式收集408例急诊或住院自杀未遂者的人口学、社会心理学和自杀未遂行为特征的数据。采用二阶聚类法进行聚类分析。结果408例自杀未遂者被分为两种类型:231例(56.62%)纳入冲动组,表现为自杀意图低、致死性低、冲动性强;177例(43.38%)纳入计划组,表现为自杀意图高、致死性高、多有自杀未遂史。与冲动组相比,计划组自杀未遂者年龄更大(P=0.003),抑郁、绝望水平更高(P<0.001),患精神障碍的比例更高(P<0.001)。结论两组自杀未遂者的特征明显不同,应分别采取有针对性的预防及干预措施。 Objective To classify and explore the characteristics of different types of suicide attempters in terms of the suicidal behaviors.Methods The demographic characteristics,psychosocial factors,and details of suicide attempts of 408 medically serious suicide attempters in rural areas of Shandong Province were collected by face-to-face interviews.Cluster analysis was performed using the two-step method.Results The suicide attempters fell into two types:231(56.62%) in the impulsive cluster,characterized by low suicide intent,low lethality,and high impulsiveness;177(43.38%) in the well-planned cluster,characterized by high suicide intent,high lethality,and more histories of attempted suicide.The well-planned group was associated with older age(P=0.003),mental illness(P<0.001),and higher depression and hopelessness(P<0.001).Conclusion Cluster analysis extracts two distinct groups of suicide attempters showing different patterns of suicidal behaviors.Targeted prevention strategies should be formulated for different groups.
作者 魏艳欣 汪心婷 刘宝鹏 李媛媛 张吉玉 贾存显 WEI Yanxin;WANG Xinting;LIU Baopeng;LI Yuanyuan;ZHANG Jiyu;JIA Cunxian(Department of Epidemiology,School of Public Health,Cheeloo College of Medicine&Center for Suicide Prevention Research,Shandong University,Jinan 250012,Shandong,China;Department of Business Management,Shandong Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China)
出处 《山东大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第11期108-113,共6页 Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(81573233,30972527,81602915)。
关键词 自杀未遂 聚类分析 横断面研究 农村人群 Suicide attempt Cluster analysis Cross-sectional study Rural population
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