
中外高校门户网站首页多模态文体对比研究 被引量:8

A comparative study of the multimodal stylistic features of the homepages of Chinese and foreign university portals
摘要 高校门户网站首页是媒体技术催生的一类新型多模态语篇,具有鲜明的多模态文体特征。本文将哈桑的语类理论与多模态功能文体学理论结合,提出一个网站首页多模态文体分析路径,通过自建小型语料库的方法对比分析了中外高校门户网站首页的多模态文体特征。研究发现,国内高校网站首页标题区提供的英文版网页链接有强化对外宣传的功能,艺术字体有彰显汉字文化的功能;与国内的象征型图片相比,国外高校网站首页内容区的前景化叙事型图片有助于拉近高校与访客的距离;然而,国内高校网站首页形式多样的隐性总链接既能提醒访客,也能将信息分类呈现。研究还发现,交际目的、情景语境和文化语境是两者文体差异产生的主要根源。 The homepage of university portals is a new type of multimodal texts which has distinctive multimodal stylistic features.By combining Hasan’s genre theory with multimodal functional stylistic theory,this article explores an analytical route for the multimodal stylistic features of the homepages of university portals.On the basis of a self-built small corpus,the multimodal stylistic features of homepages of Chinese and foreign university portals are comparatively analyzed.It is concluded that the hyperlinks for its English versions in title area of the homepages of domestic university portals reinforce the international pubilicity of the universities,and the use of artistic Chinese characters highlights the characteristics of Chinese characters;in contrast to the symbolic images in the content area of the homepages of domestic university portals,the narrative images in the content area of the homepages of foreign university portals can shorten the distance between universities and visitors.On the other hand,the diversified implicit general hyperlinks of the homepages of domestic university portals is an important multimodal stylistic feature,which can not only remind visitors but also classify the information.Finally,it is also found that the communicative purpose,the context of situation and the context of culture are the main causes of the differences in the multimodal stylistic features of the two homepages.
作者 严云 雷茜 高祥语 Yan Yun;Lei Qian;Gao Xiangyu
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期41-45,86,共6页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金项目“多模态语篇文体分析综合理论模型的建构与应用研究”(项目编号:19BYY198)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 中外高校门户网站首页 多模态文体特征 对比 差异成因 homepages of Chinese and foreign university portals multimodal stylistic features comparison causes of the differences
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