As the backbone of the“New Wave of Tibetan films”,Pema Tseden’s films construct a“real”presentation of Tibet in the context of dialogue with predecessors,and this process is condensed in the presentation of the landscape in his films.Unlike the metaphorical Tibetan landscapes in previous Tibetan films,Pema Tseden has de-metaphorized Tibetan landscapes.However,this process is the result of filtering the Tibetan landscapes,the color processing of the Tibetan landscape in his films is the performance of such filtering.After this,the so-called Tibetan truth gave way to the reality of the creator's personal ideas.The demand for individual truth made the works face a greater dilemma after showing quite experimental effects.How to find a way to break the limitations of the“place”and present a Tibetan landscape which is not limited in national identity but also has community significance,that will be a common challenge as well as a chance for a generation of Tibetan filmmakers including Pema Tseden.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University