

Supplemented Study on Jia Yi’s Chen Zheng Shi Shu which was Abridged by Ban Gu
摘要 《汉书》贾谊本传所录《陈政事疏》经过了班固史笔的删节,包括文句删节和组成内容删节两方面,特别是组成内容的删节而致疏文失去原貌,在删节的同时还存在着文本改写的现象。删节的原因主要是考虑到史传容量有限,只能“总其大略”,也有对《汉书》“志”“传”使用贾谊奏疏材料保持平衡的考虑。自南宋真德秀、王应麟便针对此类删节尝试进行考补,经姚鼐至夏炘都在接续此项工作。夏炘的考补集中体现在所撰《汉贾谊政事疏考补》中,即根据《大戴礼记》所载的互见性文本还原了删节的内容,既是最为允当的文献辑补工作,也体现了文本对读、作品理解与文献考据的完美结合,具有典型的学术范式意义。此外通过对读的途径细读该篇疏文与《新书》的相关篇章,揭示出两者间存在的互见性文本关系,印证了早期文本的复杂性,同时也针对前人的考补提出商榷性意见。 Chen Zheng Shi Shu,a letter written by Jiayi to the emperor discussing political affairs,which was recorded his biography written by Ban Gu in the Han Shu(The History of the Western Han Dynasty)was abridged by Ban Gu in sentences and contents,so the text has been changed and it’s not the original one.The reason for the abridgement is mainly to consider the limited capacity of historical biography,which can only“summarize the general outline”,and also to balance Jia Yi’s materials in different parts of Han Shu.Since Zhen Dexiu and Wang Yinglin in the Southern Song Dynasty,textual supplementing work has been carried on by scholars,and Yao Nai and Xia Xin are continuing this work.The supplement by Xia Xin was concentrated in Supplement of Han Jia Yi's Theses on Political Affairs,which restored the deleted content according to the mutual text contained in Da Dai Li Ji.It was not only the most appropriate text compilation supplement,but also reflected the perfect combination of textual study,work understanding and literature examination,with typical academic paradigms significance.In addition,through careful reading of the relevant chapters in Jia Yi’s Xin Shu,the mutual textual relationship between them is revealed.It confirms the complexity of early texts.It also puts forward plausibility against predecessors.
作者 刘明 Liu Ming
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2021年第4期141-152,共12页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
关键词 陈政事疏 删改 汉贾谊政事疏考补 新书 Chen Zheng Shi Shu abridgement Han Jia Yi's Theses on Political Affairs Xin Shu
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