为明确武平县黄果西番莲平棚架式“一年一种”栽培模式下适宜的种植密度,以‘武平黄金果1号’品种为试验材料,在武平县中山镇罗富兴农业公司开展了不同栽培密度效果对比试验。试验比较了6个栽培密度下(每667 m2植120、140、160、180、200、220株)黄果西番莲全年产量、产量月际分布和果实等级分布等情况。结果表明,武平县黄果西番莲‘武平黄金果1号’品种在平棚架式“一年一种”栽培模式下,每667 m^(2)种植120~220株时,种植密度越大产量越高,且前期产量占比也越大,大果、特大果的产量之和占当月产量的比例均呈现随着种植密度增加而减少的趋势;当每667 m^(2)种植小于160株时,产量增幅较大,产量高峰出现在10月和11月;当每667 m^(2)种植为160株时,全年产量1399.8 kg,产量峰期不明显;当每667 m^(2)种植大于160株时,产量增幅较小,产量高峰出现在8月和9月。结合市场供求状况、均衡劳动用工、成本效益核算等因素,笔者认为武平县黄果西番莲‘武平黄金果1号’以每667 m^(2)种植160株左右为宜。
In order to determine suitable planting density of Passiflora edulis var.fiavicarpa Degener under trellis-cultivation mode of one-time planting in one year in Wuping County,‘Wuping Huangjinguo No.1’was used as materials to conduct comparison test of cultivation density in Luofuxing Agriculture Company,Zhongshan Town,Wuping County.Its yield in one year,monthly yield distribution and fruit grading distribution were compared under six cultivation density mode(120,140,160,180,200 and 220 plants per 667 m^(2)).The results showed that when planting density of 120-220 plants per 667 m^(2) was conducted under trellis-cultivation mode of one-time planting in one year,larger planting density could result in larger yield and yield occupied larger proportion in the early period.With increasing planting density,ratio of sum of yield of large and extra large fruits to yield in one month showed downside trend.When planting density of less than 160 plants per 667 m^(2) was conducted,yield increment became larger and yield peak occurred in October and November.When planting density of 160 plants per 667 m^(2) was conducted,yield in the whole year reached 1399.8 kg and there was no obvious yield peak.When planting density of more than 160 plants per 667 m^(2) was conducted,yield increment became smaller and yield peak occurred in August and September.Based on market supply and demand situation,labor balance,costs and returns accounting and other factors,160 plants of‘Wuping Huangjinguo No.1’per 667 m^(2) was a suitable planting density in Wuping County.
LIN Wen-ming(Wuping Economic Crops Technology Promotion Station,Wuping,Fujian 364300,China)
Southeast Horticulture
Passion fruit