
政治在场与话语转译:论明初士人的谱序书写 被引量:1

Political Presence and Discourse Translation in the Writing of Genealogy Prefaces by Scholars in the Early Ming Dynasty
摘要 明初,随着修谱诏等国家权威文件的颁布,私家修谱被赋予政治意义。相应地,基于谱牒生成的谱序面临新的书写语境。在政治主体的强势笼罩下,明初士人撰作了数量远轶前代的谱序。他们兼具国家精英和地方代表的双重身份,在谱序书写中通过叙述家族历史塑造祖先偶像,通过阐释修谱意义制造家国伦理逻辑的拼接,又在理想家族的建构中描画新的地方秩序图景。此种“国家—地方”话语转译的过程,不仅形成谱序独具明代特色的书写样态,且助力国家政治思想有效下渗至民间基层,甚至建成明清特有的地方治理模式,标记着作为应用文的谱序于功能面向的新开展和文体的成熟进阶。跳脱文学审美限域,回归功能视角来观照谱序,对文体研究或许另有启发意义。 At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,with the promulgation of state authoritative documents such as Compiling the Genealogy of Imperial Edict,private revision of genealogy was endowed with political significance.Accordingly,the preface generated based on genealogy faced a new writing context.Under the strong influence of the political authority,the scholars in the early Ming dynasty wrote far more prefaces than in the previous dynasties.They were both national elites and local representatives.In the writing of genealogy prefaces,they created ancestor idols by narrating the history of the family,made the combination of ethical logic of family and nation by explaining the significance of compiling genealogy,and drew a new picture of the local order in the construction of the ideal family.This process of“state-local”discourse translation not only formed a writing style of preface with Ming Dynasty characteristics but also helped the national political thoughts to infiltrate effectively into the grass-roots level of the people and even built a local governance mode unique to the Ming and Qing dynasties.It marked the new development of the functional orientation and the maturity of the genealogy preface as the sequence of applied prose.Breaking away from the aesthetic limit of literature and returning to the functional perspective to observe the genealogy preface is probably of enlightening significance to the study of style.
作者 王润英 WANG Runying
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期196-204,208,共10页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“书籍文化视域下的明代书序文研究”(18CZW017)。
关键词 谱序 家族 明初士人 政治 话语转译 genealogy preface family the scholars in the Early Ming Dynasty politics discourse translation
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