
土力学线上线下混合式教学改革探索与实践 被引量:2

Exploration and practice of online and offline mixed teaching reform in soil mechanics
摘要 信息技术与现代教育的深度融合,使得MOOC等在线教育资源发展迅速,如何将线下教育与线上资源有机融合,已成为当前教学改革所面临的重要课题。土力学作为土木工程相关专业核心课程,具有理论要求高、实践性强等特点。随着课堂学时的压缩,学生仅仅依靠课堂教学难以达到深入理解和应用本课程知识的要求。针对传统教学模式所面临的新挑战,在进行MOOC等线上资源建设的基础上,开展线上线下混合式教学改革的探索与实践,较好地解决了传统课时不足、学生参与度不高、考核方式单一等问题,取得了较好的教学效果。 With the deep integration of information technology and modern education,MOOC and other online education resources are developing rapidly.How to integrate offline education with online resources has become an important issue facing the current teaching reform.Soil mechanics is an important core course for civil engineering related majors,which has the characteristics of high theoretical requirements and strong practicality.With the limitation of class hours,it is difficult for students to achieve the requirements of deep understanding and application of this course knowledge only relying on classroom teaching.In view of the new challenges faced by the traditional teaching mode,based on the construction of online resources such as MOOC,the exploration and practice of online and offline mixed teaching reform are carried out.The problems such as the lack of traditional class hours,the low participation of students and the single assessment method are well solved,and good teaching effect is achieved.
作者 胡安峰 杨仲轩 朱斌 谢新宇 柯瀚 龚晓南 HU Anfeng;YANG Zhongxuan;ZHU Bin;XIE Xinyu;KE Han;GONG Xiaonan(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture/MOE Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,P.R.China)
出处 《高等建筑教育》 2021年第6期24-31,共8页 Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
关键词 土力学 线上线下 混合式 教学改革 soil mechanics online and offline mixed mode teaching reform
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