

On Deng Zihui’s Thoughts on Rural Finance in 1950s and 1960s
摘要 邓子恢作为中共党内著名的农民运动和农村工作专家,自中央苏区时期就十分注重农村金融事业的发展,将其视作改善苏区经济民生,调节地方货币流通的重要手段,而在实践过程中也取得良好成效,因此,中央苏区的金融实践也成为中国共产党红色金融谱系的直接源头。新中国成立之后,不论主政中南大区(1949—1952)还是主持中央农村工作部(1953—1962)乃至在生命中的最后10年(1962—1972),邓子恢都非常关心农村金融事业的发展演变,他强调农村金融不仅仅只是一个个孤立存在的银行、信用合作社等机构,而是直接服务于国家工业化和农业合作化的前沿阵地,既要为前者实现融资的目的,也需为后者提供资金支持,更是担负着与个体私商以及不法高利贷之间争夺民心的重要政治任务,以其方便快捷直接助力于提升广大农民的生产生活水平。信用合作社乃是新时期农村金融事业的主要载体,其发展需要结合党的领导和群众参与等方面,并与国家银行相互配合、相辅相成。 As a well-known expert in the peasant movement and rural work within the Communist Party of China,Deng Zihui had paid great attention to the development of rural financial undertakings since the period of the Central Soviet Area and regarded it as an important means to improve the economy and people’s livelihood in the Soviet Area and to regulate local currency circulation.This had indeed achieved good results in practice and had therefore become the direct source of the Red financial pedigree of the Communist Party of China.After the founding of the People’s Republic of China,whether he was in charge of the Central South Region(1949-1952),or at the helm of the Chinese agricultural co-operative movement(1953-1962),or even in the last ten years of his life(1962-1972),Deng Zihui was very concerned about the development and evolution of rural finance.He emphasized that rural finance was not just an isolated bank,credit cooperative and other institutions,but directly served the frontiers of the country’s industrialization and agricultural co-operation.It was necessary to realize the purpose of financing for the former and provide financial support for the latter.It was also responsible for the important political task of competing with individual private businesses and illegal usury,which directly contributed to improving the production and living standards of the farmers.The Credit Cooperatives are the main carrier of rural financial undertakings in the new era.Their development needs to integrate the leadership of the Party and the participation of the masses and cooperate with and complement each other with the national bank.
作者 闫立媛 YAN Liyuan(Longyan University,Longyan,Fujian 364000,China)
机构地区 龙岩学院财务处
出处 《龙岩学院学报》 2021年第6期75-80,共6页 Journal of Longyan University
关键词 邓子恢 农村 金融事业 中国共产党 Deng Zihui rural areas financial undertakings the CPC
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