
上海市长宁区MMR疫苗强化免疫对流行性腮腺炎抗体水平的影响 被引量:7

Mumps antibody levels after MMR vaccination in a population in Changning District of Shanghai
摘要 【目的】分析麻疹风疹流行性腮腺炎联合减毒活疫苗(MMR)接种后,人群流行性腮腺炎IgG抗体水平及与MMR接种剂次的关系,评价MMR接种程序的效果。【方法】2017年3—9月采集上海市长宁区≤19岁人群血清标本共计1 816份,采用ELISA法定量检测血清中流行性腮腺炎IgG抗体水平。【结果】2岁儿童的流行性腮腺炎IgG抗体阳性率为94.59%,4~9岁儿童的阳性率为98.18%~100.00%,10岁以后阳性率开始下降,12岁时阳性率为88.33%(95%CI:81.20%~93.47%)。12~19岁人群的IgG抗体阳性率与疫苗接种剂次数有关,接种过3剂疫苗的人群阳性率最高(93.88%),接种过≤1剂疫苗的人群阳性率最低(68.75%)。【结论】上海市2剂MMR的接种程序能使相应年龄组儿童的流行性腮腺炎IgG抗体阳性率和几何平均浓度(GMC)明显上升。应加强对成人的MMR补接种,强化免疫以保持流行性腮腺炎IgG抗体水平。 [Objective] To evaluate the dosage effect of measles,mumps and rubella combined attenuated live vaccine(MMR)vaccination on seroprevalence of mumps.[Methods] A cross-sectional study was conducted among people in Changning District of Shanghai aged 1 month to 19 years old(n=1 816)in Mar.-Sep.2017.Blood samples were analyzed for mumps antibodies using enzymelinked immunosorbent immunoglobulin G(IgG)assays.[Results]Mumps antibody seropositivity was 94.59% in 2 years old children and maintained at 98.18%-100.00% from 4 to 9 years old.The seropositivity began to decrease since 10 years,and it was 88.33%(95%CI:81.20%-93.47%)at age of 12 years.In 12-19 years age group,individuals with 3 doses of mumps-containing vaccines had the highest seropositivity(93.88%) and individuals with 1 or 0 doses had the lowest seropositivity(68.75%).[Conclusion] Two-dose MMR immunization in Shanghai induces a sharp increase in mumps antibody levels in the corresponding age groups.The antibody levels decline gradually with time since the second dose.Vaccine dosage is positively associated with mumps IgG seropositivity and geometric mean concentrations(GMC)in 12-19 years old.
作者 庞红 施玮 刘小祥 朱晓华 郑敏 PANG Hong;SHI Wei;LIU Xiao-xiang;ZHU Xiao-hua;ZHENG Min(Changning District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 200051,China)
出处 《上海预防医学》 CAS 2021年第12期1131-1135,共5页 Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 上海市长宁区科学技术委员会重点项目(CNKW2017Z02)。
关键词 流行性腮腺炎 抗体 麻疹风疹流行性腮腺炎联合减毒活疫苗 强化免疫 mumps antibody measles,mumps and rubella combined attenuated live vaccine strengthened immunity
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