

Application Case Analysis of Oil Spill Model in the Arctic
摘要 本文结合北极地区的环境数据建立溢油模型,采用情景分析法假定溢油事故场景,计算溢油的运动轨迹和归宿,并预测各事故情景下,溢油到达岸线的时间、油膜扫海面积、污染岸线长度和着岸油量等指标。根据北极航道溢油风险分析及事故后果模拟,提出了北极地区溢油风险的防范措施。 This paper establishes an oil spill model based on environmental data in the Arctic region,uses scenario analysis to assume oil spill accident scenarios,calculates the trajectory and fate of the oil spill,and predicts the time when the spilled oil reaches the shoreline and the oil film sweep under each accident scenario.Indicators such as sea area,length of polluted shoreline and oil landing.Based on the analysis of the oil spill risk in the Arctic waterway and the simulation of the consequences of the accident,the preventive measures for the oil spill risk in the Arctic region are proposed.
作者 李春潮 赫伟建 文嘉鹏 LI Chunchao;HE Weijian;WEN Jiapeng(Institute of Water Transport Research,Ministry of Transport,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《交通节能与环保》 2021年第6期27-32,40,共7页 Transport Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection
关键词 溢油模型 Oilmap 北极 航道 海冰密集度 环境影响 oil spill model Oilmap Arctic waterway sea ice density environmental impact
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