

Research on the Training Model of Non-military Students in Military Academies
摘要 随着近年来军队院校改革,部分军校开始招收本科无军籍学员。作为军校的特殊群体,无军籍学员的培养工作面临着诸多挑战。针对军校背景下无军籍学员培养模式展开研究,首先明确了新时代下军校培养无军籍学员的需求与目的,并以国防科技大学为例,着重分析了无军籍学员的培养现状,最后结合无军籍学员的培养目标与当前存在的部分问题与不足,提出相关建议,为我军无军籍学员培养模式的探索革新提供一定的参考。 With the reform of military academies in recent years,some military academies have begun to recruit undergraduate non-military students.As a special group under the background of military academies,the innovation of training non-military students faces many challenges.This paper studies the training model of non-military students in the context of military academies.Firstly,the demand and purpose of training non-military students in military academies in the new era are clarified,and then University of Defense Science and Technology is taken as an example to analyze the current situation of training non-military students,and finally,relevant suggestions based on the training objectives of non-military students are put forward,and some existing problems and shortcomings are pointed out so as to provide the exploration and innovation of the training model of non-military students in the Chinese army.
作者 何姝妍 豆亚杰 丁浩峰 薛石岩 HE Shu-yan;DOU Ya-jie;DING Hao-feng;XUE Shi-yan(School of Aerospace Science,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410073,China;School of Systems Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410073,China;School of Military Basic Education,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410073,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2021年第52期80-83,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2018年度国防科技大学湖南省教育规划课题一般资助课题“面向联合作战保障任务的军校本科学员核心素质培育与课程体系设置研究”(XJK18BGD014) 2018年度国防科技大学研究生教育教学研究课题“军民融合背景下军校无军籍研究生培养模式研究”(yjsy2018014)。
关键词 军校环境 无军籍学员 人才培养方案 “4+X”培养结构 military academy environment non-military students student training program 4+X training model
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