

Application of contralateral seventh cervial nerve transfer in the treatment of unilateral upper limb motor dysfunction after brain injury in rats
摘要 目的通过行为学检测评估成年大鼠健侧颈7神经移位术治疗脑损伤后单侧上肢运动功能障碍的效果。方法取清洁级雌性SD大鼠30只,随机分成3组,即对照组(A组)(n=10);脑损伤组(B组)(n=10);脑损伤后健侧颈7神经移位组(C组)(n=10)。分别于术前、术后2周、1月、3月、7月、10月,采用Longa评分法、Bederson评分法、平衡木评分法等动物行为学方法,评估脑损伤后行健侧颈7神经移位术对运动功能恢复的作用。结果实验组大鼠脑损伤后表现为明显的功能障碍,然后瘫痪上肢功能会有一定程度的好转。术后3个月C组大鼠瘫痪上肢功能优于B组,术后7个月,各实验组大鼠瘫痪肢体功能恢复趋于稳定,C组明显优于B组,P<0.01。结论健侧颈7神经移位术治疗大鼠脑损伤单侧上肢运动功能障碍是有效可行的。 Objective To investigate the effect of contralateral seventh cervical nerve transfer in the treatment of unilateral upper limb motor dysfunction after brain injury in adult rats.Methods Thirty clean-grade female SD rats were randomly divided into three groups:the control group(group A)(n=10),the brain injury group(group B)(n=10),the group with contralateral seventh cervical nerve transfer in the healthy side after brain injury(group C)(n=10).Before the surgery and 2 weeks,1 month,3 months,7 months and 10 months after the surgery,Longa score,Bederson score,balance beam score and other animal behavior methods were used to evaluate the effect of contralateral seventh cervical nerve transfer on motor function recovery after brain injury.Results The rats in the experimental groups showed obvious dysfunction after brain injury,and then the function of the paralyzed upper limbs would improve to a certain extent.Three months after the operation,the upper limb function of paralyzed rats in group C was better than that in group B.Seven months after the operation,the function recovery of paralyzed limbs in all experimental groups tended to be stable,and that of group C was significantly better than that of group B,and the difference between the three groups was statistically significant.Conclusion Contralateral seventh cervical nerve transfer is effective and feasible for the treatment of unilateral upper limb motor dysfunction in rats with brain injury.
作者 杜洪澎 李明远 高晓宁 陈正 郭科 魏琦 DU Hongpeng;LI Mingyuan;GAO Xiaoning;CHEN Zheng;GUO Ke;WEI Qi(Department of Neurosurgery,Binzhou Medical University Hospital,Binzhou 256603,Shandong,P.R.China;Electromyography Room,Binzhou Medical University Hospital,Binzhou 256603,Shandong,P.R.China;Binzhou Medical University,Yantai 264003,Shandong,P.R.China)
出处 《滨州医学院学报》 2021年第6期422-426,共5页 Journal of Binzhou Medical University
关键词 颈7神经移位术 大鼠 脑损伤 上肢运动功能障碍 contralateral cervical seventh nerve transfer rat brain injury upper limb motor dysfunction
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