
“中美+”三方发展合作的双重挑战及修复路径 被引量:5

China-U.S. Engagement in Triangular Development Cooperation: Challenges and Solutions
摘要 国际发展领域的"中美+"合作是指作为最大南南合作伙伴的中国、最大传统援助国的美国与来自发展中世界的受援方之间的三方发展合作。21世纪初以来,中美两国曾加强在国际发展领域的政策协调,开展了"中美+阿富汗"人力资源三方合作、"中美+东帝汶"农业三方合作、"中美+非洲"公共卫生三方合作等试点项目合作,取得了初步成果。然而,2018年以来"中美+"合作遭遇了国际发展领域内摩擦隔阂与美国对华政策阻力的双重挑战。在新冠肺炎疫情重创全球发展成果的当下,中美恢复和加强在国际发展领域的三方合作具有积极意义。通过敦促美方重启两国发展合作对话、鼓励中美民间组织开展非典型"中美+"合作、加强与受援方的协调和衔接等途径,中方可发挥建设性作用,努力推动"中美+"合作早日重回正轨。 As the biggest providers of South-South cooperation and North-South cooperation respectively, China and U.S. have reinforced policy dialogues on international development and piloted several triangular development cooperation(TDC) programs in human resources, agriculture and public health with partners from the developing world since the early 21 st century. However, TDC has been facing dual challenges including incompatibility among participants in international development and political barriers generated by U.S. policy towards China since 2018. Given the international development that was hit heavily by Covid-19, it is of significance for China and U.S. to reset collaboration to bolster triangular development cooperation. Despite of various difficulties, China could play the constructive roles to get TDC back on track through taking measures like proposing development policy dialogues with the U.S., encouraging TDC among non-official participants and improving coordination with partners form the developing world.
作者 胡勇 HU Yong
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期115-134,161,162,共22页 Global Review
基金 2019年度上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题“‘一带一路’倡议下的三方发展合作与中美关系研究”(2019BGJ001)的阶段性成果。
关键词 国际发展合作 三方合作 中美关系 international development triangular cooperation China-U.S.relations
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