2Artaud,Antonin. The Theater and Its Double. Trans. Mary Caroline Richards. New York: Grove Press, 1958.
3Auslander, Philip. Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance. 5th ed. Michigan: U of Michigan P, 2000.
4Baudrillard, Jean. Selected Writings. Ed. and introduced by Mark Poster. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1988.
5Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. " Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. New York: Schocken Books, 1969. 217 -51.
6Blau, Herbert. "Universals of Performance ; or Amortizing Play. "Sub-Stance 37.38 (1982) : 140 - 61.
7Bottoms, Stephen. The Theater of Sam Shepard: States of Crisis. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1998.
8Coperland, Roger. "The Presence of Mediation. " The Drama Review 34.4 ( 1990 ) : 28 -44.