
我国近年来禽肉产品主要药物风险因素分析及控制 被引量:4

Analysis and Control of Main Drug Risk Factors of Poultry Products in Recent Years in China
摘要 通过收集国家市场监督管理总局组织开展的禽肉产品监督抽检和风险监督数据,结合农业农村部畜禽产品质量安全风险评估实验室(青岛)及相关风险监测和评估单位近年来开展禽肉质量安全风险评估研究获得的风险监测数据,发现乌鸡、地方品种土鸡、鲜(冻)鸡肉、鸭肉等禽肉产品中,恩诺沙星(或以恩诺沙星+环丙沙星计)、氧氟沙星、磺胺类药物、氟苯尼考(胺)、氯霉素、尼卡巴嗪及残留标志物、阿奇霉素、多西环素、土霉素、金刚烷胺、硝基呋喃类代谢物[呋喃唑酮代谢物3-氨基-2-噁唑烷基酮(AOZ)、呋喃西林代谢物氨基脲(SEM)和呋喃它酮代谢物5-吗啉甲基-3-氨基-2-噁唑烷基酮(AMOZ)]、五氯酚酸钠等药物存在较大残留安全风险,针对这些主要风险因素分析,提出了有关控制对策建议,包括:建立相关法律法规、标准、公告等贯彻落实和强制性培训制度,加快制定我国地方品种畜禽养殖生产加工规范类标准和产品标准,建立协调合作机制、加强数据信息共享,推广农产品质量安全承诺合格证制度,加快“两品一标”畜禽产品发展。 Based on the data collected during supervision sampling inspection and risk supervision for poultry products organized by State Administration for Market Regulation,and in combination with the risk monitoring data obtained from the research on the quality,safety and risk assessment of poultry products conducted by Laboratory for Quality and Safety Risk Assessment of Livestock and Poultry Products(Qingdao),MARA and relevant units responsible for risk monitoring and assessment in recent years,a relatively large residual risk of the following drugs were found from products of black-bone chickens,local chickens,fresh(frozen)chicken,duck and others:enrofl oxacin(or enrofloxacin+ciprofloxacin),ofloxacin,sulfonamides,florfenicol(amine),chloramphenicol,nicarbazin and its residual markers,azithromycin,doxycycline,oxytetracycline,amantadine,nitrofuran metabolites[including furazolidone metabolite,3-amino-2-oxazolidinone(AOZ);furacilin metabolite,semicarbazide(SEM);and furantone metabolite,5-morpholine methyl-3-amino-2-oxazolidinone(AMOZ)]and pentachlorophenol-sodium,etc.Based on analysis on the above major risk factors,relevant strategies were proposed,including implementing relevant laws and regulations,standards,announcements and other documents,as well as mandatory training system,developing normative standards on farming,production and processing of local livestock and relevant products,establishing a coordination and cooperation mechanism to adequately share data and information,extending quality and safety commitment certifi cate system of agricultural products,and pushing forward the development of livestock and poultry products with“green food,organic food and agricultural product geographical indication(two products and one indication)”.
作者 王玉东 宋翠平 戴廷灿 董国强 刘坤 李伟红 付红蕾 苗在京 王淑婷 赵思俊 Wang Yudong;Song Cuiping;Dai Tingcan;Dong Guoqiang;Liu Kun;Li Weihong;Fu Honglei;Miao Zaijing;Wang Shuting;Zhao Sijun(China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center,Laboratory for Quality and Safety Risk Assessment of Livestockand Poultry Products(Qingdao),MARA,Qingdao,Shandong 266032,China;Institute of Quality,Safetyand Standard of Agricultural Products,Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanchang,Jiangxi 300200,China;Qingdao Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Center,Qingdao,Shandong 266000,China)
出处 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2022年第1期42-47,共6页 China Animal Health Inspection
关键词 禽肉产品 主要药物 风险因素分析 控制对策 poultry products major drug analysis on risk factors control strategy
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