

Preparation of a Polar-Copolymerization Stationary Phase for Chromatographic Separation of Alkaline Analytes
摘要 疏水性长链烷基键合硅胶是常用的反相色谱固定相,其中的酸性硅羟基易导致碱性化合物严重拖尾甚至发生不可逆吸附,降低分离度与灵敏度。极性共聚合作为一种改良的极性封端方法,可以有效屏蔽酸性硅羟基。为探讨极性共聚合在碱性物质分离分析方面的优势,详细研究了反应条件对硅羟基掩蔽效果的影响。以硅胶为基质制备了一系列由疏水性C18和极性二醇基共同修饰的极性共聚合固定相,并进行表征及色谱评价。结果显示,相比于传统键合方法,极性共聚合法不仅可以有效抑制碱性物质的拖尾,还可提高烷基键合硅胶的硅烷键合率、改善长链烷基硅胶的疏水性塌陷;且对酸性硅羟基的屏蔽效果与硅胶润湿度、二醇基的键合量均呈正相关。 Hydrophobic long chain alkyl-bonded silica is the most commonly used stationary phase in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography.However,the acidic silanol groups are apt to cause serious tailing even irreversible adsorption of alkaline analytes,thus reducing resolution and sensitivity.Polar-copolymerization,as the improvement of polar-endcapping,can shield the acidic silanol groups effectively.In order to explore the advantages of polar-copolymerization in the separation of alkaline analytes,and to study the factors of reaction conditions on the shielding effects of silanol groups in detail,herein,a series of polar-copolymerization stationary phases based on hydrophobic C18 and polar diol co-bonded silica were prepared,characterized and evaluated.The results show that polar-copolymerization can not only effectively inhibit the tailing of the alkaline analytes,but also increase the silane bonding rate of alkyl bonded silica and improve the hydrophobic collapse of long alkyl-bonded silica comparing with the conventional method.Moreover,the shielding effect on silanol groups was positively correlated with the wettability of silica and the amount of diol groups.
作者 余婷玉 蔡爽 高运苓 李静 YU Tingyu;CAI Shuang;GAO Yunling;LI Jing(Central Laboratory,Xiangyang Central Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441021;School of Food Science and Technology&School of Chemical Engineering,Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441053;Featured Preparations of Vitiligo Xiangyang Key Laboratory,Xiangyang Central Hospital,Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Arts and Science,Xiangyang 441021)
出处 《分析科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期765-770,共6页 Journal of Analytical Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.32001009) 湖北省自然科学基金青年项目(No.2019CFB234) 湖北省卫健委中医药科研项目(No.ZY2021Q025) 襄阳市医疗卫生领域科技计划(No.2020YL38) 襄阳市中心医院2020年博士人才启动项目(No.RC202002)。
关键词 硅胶 固定相 极性共聚合 碱性 拖尾 Silica Stationary phase Polar-copolymerization Alkaline analytes Tailing
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