

Development Status of Hydraulic System of Foot Robot
摘要 液压系统是液压足式机器人运动的核心。通过综述现有典型液压系统,发现其液压系统的优缺点,有助于之后开发新型液压系统,弥补现有液压系统不足。因此本文从提高液压系统能量利用率、提高机器人续航能力的角度对比分析各种典型液压系统,归纳现有模型的新型方法以及存在的问题。总结液压足式机器人液压系统的未来发展方向。最后以现有模型为基础,总结并探讨了机器人液压系统可借鉴的创新技术。 Hydraulic system is the core of the movement of hydraulic quadruped robot. By reviewing the existing typical hydraulic systems, the advantages and disadvantages of their hydraulic systems are found, which will help to develop new hydraulic systems and make up for the shortcomings of existing hydraulic systems. Therefore, this paper compares and analyzes various typical hydraulic systems, summarizes the new methods of existing models and existing problems. The future development direction of hydraulic foot robot hydraulic system is summarized. Finally, based on the existing models, the innovative technology of robot hydraulic system can be summarized and discussed.
作者 李华莹 晁智强 强一飞 魏伟 LI Hua-ying;CHAO Zhi-qiang;QIANG Yi-fei;WEI Wei(Department of Science Research,Academy of Armored Force Engineering,Beijing 100072,China;Suzhou Branch of Jiangsu corps of Armed Police,Suzhou 21500,China)
出处 《山东工业技术》 2020年第1期50-59,共10页 Journal of Shandong Industrial Technology
关键词 液压系统 节能 续航 hydraulic system snergy conservation endurance
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