"New liberal arts"has a difference between"narrow sense"and"broad sense"in it’s scope.It emphasizes the adaptation and connection of the discilinary construction and talent training to the new area,aiming to break through the self-limitation of traditional disciplinaries and to strengthen their integration and innovation.In the context of humanities and social sciences being increasingly strategic,cross-border,technical and international,a"positive response"has become the basic starting point of the development of"new liberal arts".The paper argues that the disciplinary construction should start from strengthening hard general knowledge,catalyzing new ideas,and embodying new responsibilities.Meanwhile,it should adhere to people-oriented,highlighting cross-border integration,practice orientation and paradigm innovation.Finally,it is also important to pinpoint it’s"new position"in order to produce"new actions"with it’s"new status".As new liberal arts,cultural industry should seize the development opportunity,grasping the law of interdisciplinary construction,strengthening it’s connotation construction for it’s upgrading through unions and cooperation.
Commentary on Cultural Industry in China
"new liberal arts"
cultural industry discipline