
手术室护理人员对患者术前应用抗菌药物执行情况的调查分析 被引量:3

Investigation and Analysis of Nursing Staff in Operating Room on Patients’Application of Antibacterial Drugs Before Operation
摘要 目的:探讨手术室护理人员对患者术前应用抗菌药物的执行情况。方法:选取该院2020年1月—12月150例需要进行手术的患者与25名护理人员作为研究对象,根据护理人员对患者术前应用抗菌药物的执行情况将其分为执行组和未执行组,分析抗菌药物执行情况,并通过单因素和Logistic多因素分析护理人员对患者术前应用抗菌药物执行情况的影响因素。结果:150例患者中有123例患者术前进行了规范化地使用抗菌药物;25名护理人员中对患者术前进行规范化地执行抗菌药物的护理人员为14名。执行组护理人员用药知识水平、医护协作水平、角色认知水平均高于未执行组(P<0.05)。经Logistic多元回归分析显示,用药知识水平、医护沟通协作水平、护理人员角色认知水平为影响术前抗菌药物执行情况的主要因素。结论:手术室护理人员对患者术前应用抗菌药物执行情况存在不到位情况,其中护理人员的用药知识水平、医护协作水平、角色认知水平为主要影响因素。 Objective:To discuss the implementation of antibacterial drugs by the nursing staff in the operating room before the operation.Methods:Selected 150 patients who needed surgery and 25 nurses in the hospital from January to December 2020 as the research objects.According to the nurses’implementation of antimicrobial drugs before surgery,they were divided into executive group and non-executive group.Analysed The implementation of antibacterial drugs,and the factors affecting the implementation of antibacterial drugs before the operation by nursing staff were analyzed through single factor and logistic multi-factor.Results:Among the 150 patients,123 patients used antibacterial drugs in a standardized manner before the operation;14 of the 25 nurses used antibacterial drugs in a standardized manner before the operation.The level of knowledge of medication,the level of collaboration between doctors and nurses,and the level of role cognition of the nurses in the executive group were higher than those in the non-executive group(P<0.05).Logistic multiple regression analysis showed that the knowledge level of medication,the level of communication and collaboration between doctors and nurses,and the level of nurses’role cognition are the main factors affecting the implementation of preoperative antibacterial drugs.Conclusion:Nursing staff in the operating room have insufficient implementation of antibacterial drugs before surgery.The main influencing factors are the knowledge of medication,the level of collaboration between doctors and nurses,and the level of role cognition.
作者 付晓庆 苏琦 FU Xiaoqing;SU Qi(Operating Room,Lianhe Road,the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116011,Liaoning,China)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2021年第6期964-967,共4页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
关键词 手术室 护理人员 术前 抗菌药物 影响因素 Operating Room Nursing Staff Before Operation Antibacterial Drugs Influencing Factors
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