In the present study,36 local rabbits of different ages were divided into two groups:18 infants and 18 adult rabbits of both sexes were used.Each group of rabbits were subdivided randomly into two subgroups(control and treated).Treated groups,received intraperitoneally calf thymus extract obtained from abattoir and homogenized with 0.15M NaCl,centrifuged and the supernatant was Millipore filtrated and stored at-20ºC and used in a dose of 0.25 mL/kg body weight daily for two weeks.Control groups received similar doses of normal saline intraperitoneally.Data obtained from each treated group were compared to those of the control group.Thirty days after the last injection,animals were anesthetized and blood samples were collected for biochemical,hematological investigations.Animals treated with crude thymus extract showed significant decreases in RBC,Hb and PCV.Blood indices(MCV and MCHC)also showed significant decreases in treated adults.Leukocyte count and the percentage of lymphocytes showed highly significant decrease in both treated groups,crude extract seems to induce immunosup-pressive action through anti proliferative properties.Biochemical parameters showed high significant decrease of serum albumin level in the treated adult group but no changes were observed in the infant group,while total protein markedly decreased only in treated adult,which could be explained on the base of decreased negative acute protein and increased catabolism of proteins in the liver.Changes in the lipid profile showed significant increase in triglyceride,VLDL,and LDL level,while HDL level was decreased in both treated groups.Changes in the HDL composition which is expected and decrease of antioxidant lead to increase in free radicals which induced LDL and VLDL oxidation and initiation of atherosclerosis.In all treated groups highly significant increase of AST,ALT and ALP activation were obvious as a result of liver cell damages.