This study focuses on improving the Weber model to obtain a more optimised solution, by whichwe can measure effectively the quality of the voting rules. By introducing the voter’s supportingdomain and the candidate’s supported degree to depict the emotional factors of voters and thereal voting network, we propose the concept of validity for a candidate. Upon the traditionalWeber model, two improved models are presented and the corresponding global optimal candidateis used as the evaluation benchmark for the voting rules. The experiments show that theoptimal solution of the two models has better robustness in complex voting networks, can beused as a standard to evaluate the voting rules. When the support degree of voter is the mainfactor, the Condorcet rule is optimal in most cases, and when the validity of the candidate is takenas the main factor, the Approval rule must be the best.
Thiswork is supported by theNationalNatural Science Foundation of China(Project No.71871150,71471123).