
中国工业绿色技术创新动力评价及时空格局演化研究 被引量:6

Research on the Evaluation of Industrial Green Technology Innovation Motivation and the Evolution of Spatial and Temporal Pattern in China
摘要 基于绿色发展理念,从技术推动力、市场拉动力、管制推动力3个方面建立评价指标体系,运用理想解法的动态评价方法、熵值法和“厚今薄古”归一化法对中国内地30个省市工业绿色技术创新动力进行评价,运用探索性空间数据分析法和重心模型对其时空格局演化进行综合研判。结果表明,现阶段中国工业绿色技术创新动力水平不高,区域间差异较大;在空间分布上呈现出正空间自相关,东高西低的非均衡态势显著;工业绿色技术创新动力重心落点集中在河南省南部地区,与经济重心和高技术产业重心的迁移轨迹具有相似性,且东西方向上的移动距离相较南北方向更大。最后,提出各地区应制定针对性策略,构建区域绿色创新网络,搭建企业、政府、高校、市场等多方力量参与的绿色创新环境平台等相关建议。 With the rapid economic development,the world is facing many ecological problems such as resource depletion and environmental pollution.To this end,countries around the world have issued a"Green New Deal"to vigorously develop the green economy.During the 14th Five-Year Plan period,China has unswervingly implemented the five development concepts of"innovation,coordination,green,openness,and sharing"in order to realize the coordinated development of economy and green environmental protection.As the leading force of the national economy,industrial enterprises are also major resource consumers and polluters.They face tremendous pressure and challenges of green transformation.Therefore,green technology innovation plays an increasingly significant role in the process of China's industrial green development.It is an important means for industrial enterprises to deal with the crisis of resource consumption,solve the problem of environmental pollution and realize green transformation and development.However,the level of green technology innovation in China's industry is still relatively low,and the problem is usually not lack of ability,but lack of motivation.Therefore,the research on the driving force level of China's industrial green technology innovation and whether there are significant differences in its temporal and spatial pattern has important theoretical and practical significance for further developing green technology innovation activities and realizing the coordinated development of regional green economy.Based on the concept of green development,this paper establishes an evaluation index system from three aspects:technology driving force,market driving force and regulation driving force.The dynamic evaluation method of ideal solution,entropy value method and the preferring present to past normalization method are used to evaluate the industrial green technology innovation driving force of 30 provinces(cities and districts)in China,and exploratory spatial data analysis method and gravity model are used to evaluate its spatial and temporal pattern.The research results show that the overall level of China's industrial green technology innovation power was not high from 2011 to 2017,accompanying the extremely unbalanced situation among regions which was"high in the east and low in the west".From the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of industrial green technology innovation power,the overall performance is in spatial positive correlation.From a local point of view,the high-high agglomeration model is mainly distributed in the economically developed eastern region,and the low-high agglomeration and low-low agglomeration are mainly distributed in the central,western and northeast regions,and the high-low agglomeration distributed in Beijing,Guangdong,and Chongqing,showing a strong economic dependence.From the migration track of the driving force of industrial green technology innovation,the center of gravity was mainly distributed in the southern part of Henan Province during the study period,and the overall migration was to the southwest.The problem of unbalanced development of green technology innovation in the east and west is obvious.It is found that the center of gravity of industrial green technology innovation is closely related to the changes of economic center of gravity and high-tech industry center of gravity.As for the research on green technology innovation,most scholars pay attention to the research on the efficiency and influencing factors of green technology innovation,a few studies involve green technology innovation policies,and there is a lack of research on the driving force of green technology innovation.Therefore,this paper can provide more detailed decision-making reference for policy makers:First,build a regional green innovation network to achieve collaborative innovation.In order to improve the overall level of China's industrial green technology innovation power,all regions should strive to break regional barriers,build a regional green innovation network platform,and encourage the free flow of green technology innovation resources among regions.Secondly,formulate targeted strategies according to their own development.For regions with strong industrial green technology innovation motivation such as Tianjin,Shanghai,and Jiangsu,they should continue to maintain their resource allocation advantages and continuously increase the level of green technology innovation diffusion,so as to benefit the surrounding areas;For Hebei,Beijing,Guangdong and other regions,a cross regional green innovation environment platform based on the participation of enterprises,governments,universities,markets and other forces should be built to realize the coordinated development of green technology innovation among regions;for Inner Mongolia,Jilin,and areas with low industrial technology innovation motivation,we should further increase the investment of innovation resources and continuously improve the green technology innovation environment,so as to make the development of industrial green technology innovation in this area full of vitality.Finally,in view of the horizontal imbalance between the East and the west of the driving force of China's industrial green technology innovation,we should continue to further implement strategies such as the rise of the central region,the opening of the west,and the revitalization of the old industrial areas in the northeast.By promoting the coordinated economic development of the eastern and western regions,we will gradually reverse the unbalanced regional development of the driving force of industrial green technology innovation in China.
作者 范德成 吴晓琳 Fan Decheng;Wu Xiaolin(School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期78-88,共11页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(19AGL007) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(18GLD291)。
关键词 工业绿色技术创新 绿色发展 动力评价 时空格局演化 Industry Green Technology Innovation Green Development Dynamic Evaluation Evolution of Spatial and Temporal Pattern
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