

Historical Investigation on the Contemporary Basic Education Research and Practice in America:Based on the Content Analysis of the Posting Theme of Educational Leadership
摘要 《教育领导》杂志是美国督导与课程开发协会的会刊,也是世界范围内教育研究的标志性刊物之一。通过对该杂志自1943年创刊以来的657个主题进行自下至上的系统梳理和统计,结合内容分析的方法,发现杂志聚焦的主题可重点归类为教育目标制定、教育实施管理、教育内容整合和教育评价革新四项基本维度。基于此,通过进一步分析杂志主题纵向时间全局演化和横向内容团簇演化的特征,可以发现,杂志70多年来聚焦的研究主题体现了丰富的教育价值和教育实践意蕴,并揭示了美国当代基础教育研究的价值取向和实践特点。一方面,以时间为基本线索的主题纵向全局演化体现了美国当代基础教育追求理想与关照现实的持续过程,彰显了美国当代基础教育研究从效率到公平,再到质量的价值追求变化;另一方面,基于内容的主题横向团簇演化反应了不同阶段价值导向下美国基础教育关注的实践问题及相应的解决策略,其所关注的研究问题也更好地体现了对社会问题的及时反馈和对教育理论与实践的沟通与衔接,具体表现为关注时代变革的教育目标、倡导多位一体的学校管理、聚焦教育实践的主题内容和助力学生发展的教育评价。 Educational Leadership is the proceedings of a conference of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,and one of the symbolic publications of educational research in the world.Through the methods of content analysis,the 657 themes of Educational Leadership from its first issue in 1943,can be classified as four basic dimensions:formulating of educational goal,educational implementation and management,integration of educational content,and innovation of educational evaluation.Based on this,by analyzing the change of different themes from the longitudinal global evolution and the horizontal cluster evolution,this paper finds that the research topics that the journal has focused on during the past 70 years reflect the rich educational value and practical implication,and reveal the value orientation and practical characteristic of the contemporary basic education research in the United States.On the one hand,the longitudinal global evolution of the topics based on the time reflects the continuous process of pursuing the ideal and caring for the reality of contemporary American elementary education,and highlights the change of value pursuit from efficiency to equity and then to quality in contemporary basic education research in the United States.On the other hand,the horizontal cluster evolution based on the content reveals the practical problems and corresponding solutions of American basic education under different stages.The research issues that this journal focuses on also better reflect the timely feedback on social issues and the communication and connection between educational theory and practice,which are specifically manifested in the educational goals of paying attention to the change of time,essential issues concentrating on education practice,school management proposing all-inone,and education evaluation helping the development of students.
作者 陈渝 陈晓端 CHEN Yu;CHEN Xiao-duan(Faculty of Education,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710062,China)
出处 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期96-109,共14页 Journal of Schooling Studies
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目《教师教育教材国际比较研究》(项目编号:2018TS058)。
关键词 美国督导与课程开发协会 《教育领导》 基础教育 研究主题 内容分析 ASCD Educational Leadership Elementary education Research theme Content analysis
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