Adult women vary in breast shapes and sizes. As such, the anatomy of a bra has different impacts on the shaping effect of various breast types.This study is based on the basic shape of adult women’s breasts and the design principle of T-shape cup with the aim of adjusting center front gore. 3D measurement, questionnaire survey and subjective evaluation were used to determine the parameters of external expansion bra.The results of this study are as follows. The breast size data of 146 participants were collected by 3D measurement. Furthermore, BP(bust point) distance factor, cervical fossa-BP distance factor and frequency of the data were analyzed. Eventually, the interbreast distance of external expansion bra was revised to 1.8 cm. In accordance with the characteristics of external expansion breasts, the front gore was lowered, and the distance between two columns of eye closures was set at 0.9 cm. Consequently, the push-up bra gives the wearer a great cleavage. We made sample bras. 146 participants were required to wear bras with different parameters and then subjectively evaluate the bras they wore.(20° 35° 30°) was selected to be the dart parameter. Apart from that, the front gore was extended to both left and right sides with the cross-brace design placed here, which could be fixed with the side buckles. The distances and relevant proportions from BP to each measurement point were measured. Then, the obtained dart parameter values of the external expansion bra were divided into three groups, and the method for structural segmentation of T shape cup was employed to design the structure of external expansion bra. These methods resulted in the improvement in the bra’s fitness for external expansion breast.The optimized bra anatomy proposed by this research improves the appearance and fitness of external expansion for the wearers.
HU Wenyan;ZHONG Anhua(School of Fashion,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430073 China)
Fashion Guide
external expansion breast type
bra anatomy design
sample bra try-on
subject evaluation