
一种带脉宽保护的场效应管驱动器 被引量:1

A MOSFET Driver with Pulse Width Protection
摘要 基于华虹宏力0.35μm BCD工艺,设计了一种输出峰值电流为6 A的双路场效应管驱动电路。通过输入级将TTL/CMOS信号转换为0_(~)5 V信号,再经过输入整形单元提高信号上升沿速度、控制信号占空比,然后通过缓冲单元增强信号驱动能力,通过死区单元设置死区窗口,降低输出共态导通电流,最后采用推挽式输出级进行功率输出。使电路可以应用于6 A的大电流驱动系统和40 V的高压驱动系统,具备良好的通用性。 A dual FET driver circuit with an output peak current of 6A was designed in HHNEC 0.35μm BCD process.Convert the TTL/CMOS signal to 0_(~)5 V signal through the input stage,then increase the rising edge speed of the signal through the input shaping unit,control the signal duty cycle,and then enhance the signal driving ability through the buffer unit,reduce the output common state turn on the current,and finally use the push-pull output stage for output.The circuit can be applied to 6A high current drive system and 40V high voltage drive system,with good versatility.
作者 雷旭 罗焰娇 唐旭 曾欣 LEI Xu;LUO Yan-jiao;TANG Xu;ZENG Xin(24^(th)Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation,Chongqing 400060)
出处 《环境技术》 2021年第6期151-155,共5页 Environmental Technology
关键词 脉宽保护 场效应管 驱动器 pulse width protection MOSFET driver
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