
西藏自治区公立医院口腔医疗卫生资源现状分析 被引量:3

Investigation and analysis of public dental medical institutions and manpower in Tibet
摘要 目的调查西藏自治区公立医院口腔科设置和人力资源配置状况,为促进西藏自治区口腔医学发展,提高口腔医疗服务能力,制定相关帮扶政策奠定基础。方法对西藏自治区辖区范围内所有公立医院口腔科的工作人员进行普查,采用问卷调查的形式,调查内容包括西藏自治区公立医院口腔科设置情况、口腔卫生人力资源的数量、结构、层次和分布等。采用SPSS22.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果截止到2018年4月,西藏自治区公立医院共86家,其中设置口腔科的公立医院共60家;公立医院口腔科登记注册的口腔医师134名(含口腔助理医师38名),护士19名,医护比为7.1:1;医师年龄结构以35岁及以下为主,占79.85%;藏族医师84名(62.69%),汉族医师50名(37.31%);学历以研究生、本科和大专为主,分别占10.45%、41.04%和46.27%;职称主要以中级和初级为主,分别占20.90%和74.63%,高级职称有6名(4.47%);医师中有105人(78.35%)工作时间少于10年。结论西藏自治区公立医院口腔科数量较少,分布不均衡;口腔卫生人力资源缺乏,工作年限短,职称偏低,医护比例不协调。在促进西藏自治区口腔医学发展的工作中,应加大口腔医学人才的培养力度,尽快实现口腔卫生人力资源的合理配置,着力推进公立医院口腔科的建设与发展。 Objective To analyze the human resources of dental health professionals in the department of stomatology of public hospitals in the Tibet Autonomous Region,and to provide a reference for optimizing the allocation of regional oral health resources and improving service capacity in the Tibet Autonomous Region.Methods Aquestionnaire was used to conduct a general survey of the stomatology departments of all public hospitals within the jurisdiction of the Tibet Autonomous Region.The survey contains the information of the development of department of stomatology in public hospitals in Tibet Autonomous Region,including the quantity,structure,level and distribution of oral health human resources.Results As of April 2018,there were 86 public hospitals in the Tibet Autonomous Region,and 60 of them established dental departments.There were 134 licensed dentists(including 38 assistant dentists)and 19 nursing staff.The doctor/staff ratio was 7.1:1;the age structure of doctors was mainly 35 years old and younger,accounting for 79.85%of the total dental professionals.There were 84 Tibetan doctors(62.69%)and 50 Han doctors(37.31%).The diplomas were mainly post graduate training,bachelor and associate,accounting for 10.45%,41.04%and 46.27%respectively.The professional titles of the dentists were mainly intermediate and primary,accounting for 20.90%and 74.63%respectively,with only 6(4.47%)professiona ltitles.105(78.35%)of doctors practiced no more than 10 years.Conclusions The number of stomatology departments in public hospitals in the Tibet Autonomous Region is inadequate.The distribution of health human resources is unbalanced,and the ratio of doctor and nurse staff is not high.The appropriate allocation of human resources in the dental departments of public hospitals and the continuous development of dental professional should be strengthened.
作者 周建 司燕 岳林 苏静 次仁德吉 呼峰 ZHOU Jian;SI Yan;YUE Lin;SU Jing;Tsering Dekyi;HU Feng(Department of Integrated Emergency Dental Care,Capital Medical University School of Stomatology,Beijing 100050,China)
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2021年第6期374-378,共5页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81741106) 西藏自治区自然科学基金组团式援藏医学项目(XZ2017ZR-ZY001) 北京市东城区优秀人才培养资助项目(2017)。
关键词 西藏自治区 口腔卫生服务 卫生人力资源 公立医院 Tibet Autonomous Region Dental service Health human resources Public hospitals
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