

Snowy Days in Yantai
摘要 现代作家冰心写过一篇散文《我喜欢下雪的天》,文中记叙烟台下雪的情景让我深有同感,她写道"记得小时候住在山东烟台,每年冬天都下着‘深可没膝’的大雪。扫到路边的雪足有半人多高,我和堂兄表兄们打雪仗,堆雪人……。我多么想念我童年时代的大雪呵!"1903年,年仅四岁的冰心跟随出任北洋水师烟台海军练营管带兼任海军学堂首任校长的父亲谢葆璋来到烟台,在烟台的金沟寨、烟台山等处居住时间长达八年之久,度过了她幸福美好的童年生活,也让她深深爱上了烟台冬天飘雪的日子。 Yantai snows often and its snowfall is greater than average cities. "The strong wind blows the snow for a foot in depth, and the big cloth shirt is seven kilograms in weight. "Situated in Parallel 37, Yantai enjoys the reputation of "a snow nest" because it borders on the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea with the winter snowfall incommensurate to its own latitude and higher than other cities at the same latitude. It is not rare for northern cities to have several snowfalls under the influence of the Siberian cold current in winter, but it is rare that Yantai has repeated snowfalls equal to those in the three provinces in Northeast China in winter, which becomes a unique scenery in the snowy coastal city. The first snow in Yantai often falls between the middle and latter parts of November and the early part of December while the last snow falls between March and even the end of April every year. According to this estimate, snow can last as long as five to six months in a year in Yantai including about 39 days of snowfalls following cold currents on average. As meteorological files indicate, annual snowfalls amount to 28 at the most in the history of Yantai. Even in an ordinary year, there are still days when snow blocks mountains and houses in winter.
作者 燕台石
机构地区 不详
出处 《走向世界》 2021年第52期60-67,共8页 Openings
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