

Nonlinear optical processes induced by two-photon near-resonance excitation
摘要 基于原子能级跃迁理论,引入虚能级和虚过程概念,分析解释强激光入射钠原子蒸气形成双光子吸收所发生的参量四波混频、超拉曼散射等非线性光学过程.这种方法把双光子激发的量子效应理解为单光子激发的能级跃迁辐射的物理图像,实验结果支持了这种分析. Based on the atomic energy level transition theory,the concept of virtual level and virtual process is introduced to explain the nonlinear optical processes such as parameter four-wave mixing and super Raman scattering formed by strong laser-incident sodium atomic vapor.The quantum effect of two-photon excitation is reduced to the same physical image as the energy level transition radiation of single-photon excitation,and the experimental results are cited to support this analytical approach.
作者 方允 彭俊坛 谢衎祺 FANG Yun;PENG Juntan;XIE Kanqi(School of Engineering,Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,Guangzhou 528135,China)
出处 《高师理科学刊》 2021年第12期57-60,共4页 Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University
基金 广州工商学院2018年重点课程建设项目(2018KC-010)。
关键词 双光子 虚能级 非线性 量子效应 two-photon virtual energy level nonlinear quantum effect
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