绥中36-1CEP平台是辽东作业公司绥中36-1油田的外输中心,承担着绥中36-1一期及一期调整、绥中36-1二期及二期调整、旅大5-2等平台的原油外输工作。原油外输泵E/F泵作为平台两台应急外输泵,是实现油田停产检修“停产不停输”的关键。由于外输泵F供电变压器存在铁芯多点接地的安全隐患以及电机直启方式对电网冲击较大等不利因素,外输泵F配电系统优化势在必行。此次配电系统优化,通过改变外输泵F泵供电方式,利用M平台供电开关由电网直接给外输泵F泵新软启动器供电,减少了变压器供电中间环节,首次实现1600 kW大型电机由6.3 kV升压为10.5 kV改造工作,极大地提高了该泵的供电可靠性,同时也通过减少变压器供电中间环节消除了变压器铁芯多点接地的安全隐患。该项目完成后,外输泵F运转良好,达到了预期效果。
Suizhong 36-1cep platform is the export center of Suizhong 36-1 oilfield of Liaodong operation company.It undertakes the crude oil export of Suizhong 36-1 phase I and phase I adjustment,Suizhong 36-1 phase II and phase II adjustment,LvDa 5-2 and other platforms.Crude oil export pump E/F pump,as two emergency export pumps on the platform,is the key to realize“shutdown without shutdown”for oilfield shutdown and maintenance.Due to the hidden danger of multi-point grounding of iron core in the power supply transformer of export pump F and the great impact of direct starting mode of motor on the power grid,it is imperative to optimize the distribution system of export pump F.In this power distribution system optimization,by changing the power supply mode of export pump F,the M platform power supply switch is used to directly supply power to the new soft starter of export pump f from the power grid,reducing the intermediate links of transformer power supply,and realizing the transformation of 1600 kw large motor from 6.3 kV to 10.5 kV for the first time,which greatly improves the power supply reliability of the pump,At the same time,the hidden danger of multipoint grounding of transformer core is eliminated by reducing the intermediate links of transformer power supply.After the completion of the project,the export pump f operates well and achieves the expected effect.
Electric Power System Equipment
emergency export pump
power supply mode
motor boost
soft starter