
论北宋神宗朝科举制度之演变 被引量:1

The Evolution of the Civil Examination System during the Reign of Emperor Shenzong in the Northern Song Period
摘要 宋神宗在位期间全面革新朝政,包括科举制度,对后世影响深远。神宗即位初期,就令朝臣对现行科举制度之利弊和变革发表意见。在朝臣中形成意见极其对立的两派。一派以王安石、司马光等为代表,要求办学选才、废罢诗赋、一定程度恢复乡举里选,是大多数人的意见。另一派只有苏轼、刘攽寥寥数位,要求坚持科举考试选才,反对废罢诗赋和乡举里选。科举变革大致遵从了多数派的意见,熙宁三年殿试制策,极大程度地改变了宋代士人的读书、写作风习。兴办学校、发展教育、选拔人才、取代进士试等,一直是神宗朝君臣努力的方向,朝廷最终为此出台三舍法。此外,省试经义,废罢诸科和制科,允许宗室参试,都是神宗朝在科举制度方面的举措。 Emperor Shenzong made comprehensive reforms of state affairs,including reforms of civil examination system.During the early years of Shenzong's reign,he ordered his courtiers to give their opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the civil examination system at that time and propose measures to improve it.The opinions of courtiers can be divided into two types.Most of them,represented by Wang Anshi and Sima Guang,declared that more academies should be built and“shi fu”(regular poems and rhapsodies)should be excluded from the content of the imperial examination.They also advised the court to restore the prefectural examination system to a certain extent.Others,represented by Su Shi and Liu Ban,insisted on implementing imperial examination and opposed the elimination of“shi fu”and prefectural examination.The reform of imperial examination complied with the opinion of the majority.The palace examination policy in the third year of Xining had changed the atmosphere of reading and writing among scholars in Song Dynasty to a great extent.Emperor Shenzong and his courtiers aimed to build academies,cultivate talent and abolish the“jinshi”examination,which finally led to the three-college law.Shenzong's reforms also included selecting candidates by“jingyi”(interpretation of the Confucian Classics)in the provincial examination,abolishing previous subjects of imperial examination and allowing imperial clan to take part in the examinations.
作者 诸葛忆兵 Zhuge Yibing
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期99-108,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
关键词 科举制度 神宗朝 策论 三舍法 经义 the civil examination system Reign of Emperor Shenzong discourse on politics the three-college law jingyi
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