Location refers to the space of human behavior activities,and location theory reflects the interaction between people and various things in space,and how to correctly and efficiently select the appropriate location in order to achieve a certain behavior,which is the importance of location selection.In urban design,the examination and analysis of location has existed since ancient times,and has become an indispensable part of design.However,for the examination of location,what should be examined,grasped and how to make the area located in urban design,it is not only a"analysis routine"in vain,but a finishing touch that is really beneficial to design.Taking Architectural Creation and Urban Design of Gate View of Chishan Ecological Wetland Park in Anhui Province as an example,this paper tries to explore the urban design path under the examination of location space,in order to make the design highlight the image characteristics,highlight the urban characteristics and have high artistic aesthetic value.
Architecture & Culture
location theory
location space survey
urban design path