

The Current Situation and Development of Legal Regulation on the Movement of Natural Persons under the Background of“One Belt and One Road”
摘要 自然人流动是国际服务贸易的一种方式,目前自然人流动法律规制呈现的特征是全球性多边条约发展阻滞不前,区域性法律规制发展迅速,国内自然人流动法律仍是主要渊源。“一带一路”共建国可分为WTO成员、自由贸易协定缔约方、非WTO成员三种类型,这些国家的自然人流动法律规制现状体现为WTO具体承诺水平不高,区域性协定下的制度不完善,国内自然人流动制度壁垒普遍存在。“一带一路”建设为自然人流动法律规制的发展提供了契机,应在“一带一路”框架下发展自然人流动法律规制,有区别地发展各种合作模式,尝试缔结自然人流动协定。 The movement of natural persons is the fourth mode of international service trade.Recently,the legal regulation of the movement of natural persons presents the characteristics that the development of global multilateral treaties is stagnant,the regional legal regulation is developing rapidly,and the domestic law of the movement of natural persons is still the main legal source.The“One Belt and One Road”cooperation countries can be divided into WTO members,parties to free trade agreements and non-WTO members.The current situation of the legal regulation of the movement of natural persons in these countries is reflected in the low level of specific commitments of WTO,the imperfect system under regional agreements,and the widespread domestic institutional barriers to the movement of natural persons.The construction of“One Belt and One Road”provides an opportunity for the development of legal regulations on the movement of natural persons.We should develop legal regulations on the movement of natural persons under the framework of“One Belt and One Road”,develop various cooperation modes differently,and try to conclude agreements on the movement of natural persons.
作者 李琴 LI Qin
出处 《湖南广播电视大学学报》 2021年第4期70-75,共6页 Journal of Hunan Radio and Television University
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目“‘一带一路’战略下我国与沿线国家间自然人流动法律规制研究”(16YBA377) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“‘一带一路’背景下我国与东盟国家间劳动力流动法律制度研究”(17BFX149)。
关键词 “一带一路” 自然人流动 法律规制 “One Belt and One Road” movement of natural persons legal regulation
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