
水果渣发酵产物的化学成分、体外瘤胃发酵及饲用价值 被引量:1

Chemical composition,in vitro rumen fermentation and feeding value of fruit residue fermentation products
摘要 文章旨在评估水果渣(柿子皮和葡萄渣)发酵后的化学成分变化、体外瘤胃发酵指标及其对肉牛生长和屠宰性能的影响。将收集的新鲜柿子皮和葡萄渣在密闭发酵桶中青贮4周后用于分析化学成分和瘤胃体外发酵指标。将体重接近的20头荷斯坦肉牛随机分为2组,分别饲喂添加10%的青贮柿子皮或葡萄渣的全混合日粮,每组5个重复,每个重复2头牛,饲养试验为期18周。结果:青贮前,葡萄渣的粗灰分、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维、不溶性酚类及不溶性单宁含量均显著高于柿子皮(P<0.05),而可溶性酚类含量显著低于柿子皮(P<0.05)。青贮后,葡萄渣粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、可溶性酚类和可溶性单宁含量显著高于柿子皮(P<0.05),不溶性酚类和不溶性单宁含量显著低于柿子皮(P<0.05)。青贮葡萄糖渣瘤胃体外发酵的pH、氨氮、乙酸、甲烷产量及乙酸与丙酸比值均显著高于青贮柿子皮(P<0.05),但青贮柿子皮瘤胃体外发酵的丙酸浓度显著高于青贮葡萄渣(P<0.05)。青贮柿子皮组肉牛的平均日增重较青贮葡萄渣组显著提高6.61%(P<0.05),但青贮葡萄渣组肉牛的料重比较青贮柿子皮组显著提高7.13%(P<0.05)。结论:在本试验条件下,青贮柿子皮具有抑制蛋白质降解和甲烷产生的能力,与青贮葡萄渣相比,全混合日粮补充10%青贮柿子皮可以改善肉牛日增重和饲料效率。 The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition changes of fruit pomace(persimmon peel and grape residue)after fermentation,in vitro rumen fermentation parameters,and its effects on growth and slaughter performance of beef cattle.The collected fresh persimmon peel and grape residue were silaged in a closed fermentation tank for 4 weeks to analyze their chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation parameters.At the same time,20 Holstein beef cattle with similar body weight were randomly divided into 2 groups with 5 replicates per group and 2 cattle per replicate.The feeding experiment lasted for 18 weeks.Results:Before silage,the contents of ash,crude protein,crude fat,neutral detergent fiber,insoluble phenols and insoluble tannin in grape residue were significantly higher than those in persimmon peel(P<0.05),while the content of soluble phenols was significantly lower than that in persimmon peel(P<0.05).After silage,the contents of crude protein,crude fat,soluble phenols and soluble tannin in grape residue were significantly higher than those in persimmon peel(P<0.05),while the contents of insoluble phenols and insoluble tannin in grape pomace were significantly lower than those in persimmon peel(P<0.05).The pH value,ammonia nitrogen,acetic acid,methane yield and acetate/propionic acid ratio of silage grape residue were significantly higher than those of silage persimmon peel(P<0.05),but the propionic acid concentration of silage persimmon peel was significantly higher than that of silage grape residue(P<0.05).The average daily gain of beef cattle in silage persimmon peel group was significantly increased by 6.61%(P<0.05)compared with that in silage grape residue group,but the feed/gain of beef cattle in silage grape residue group was significantly increased by 7.13%(P<0.05)compared with that in silage grape residue group.Conclusion:Under the experimental conditions,silage persimmon peel has the ability to inhibit protein degradation and methane production.Supplementation of 10%silage persimmon peel in total mixed diet can improve the daily gain and feed efficiency of beef cattle.
作者 吕芳 李文红 LV Fang;LI Wenhong(Hebei Vocational University of Industry and Technology,ShiJiaZhuang,Hebei Province 050091,China)
出处 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2021年第24期115-118,共4页 China Feed
基金 河北省高等学校科学技术研究资助项目(ZD2019033)。
关键词 水果渣 化学成分 瘤胃发酵 饲用价值 fruit residue chemical composition rumen fermentation feeding value
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