
论中国“乐教”的发生 被引量:2

On the Origin of the Luo Education of China
摘要 近人刘师培据传世文献认定虞舜时代即有“乐教”,且将其基本内涵理解为音乐(含歌舞)教育。考古学已经证明,新石器时代即有乐器与歌舞的遗存。不过,殷商甲骨文和金文虽有“乐”字,却均为地名而不指音乐,周公时代才以“乐”指称人内心的愉悦,这种愉悦虽包含音乐却不特指音乐。明晰的“乐教”思想、完备的“乐教”体系及有效的“乐教”管理是从周公“制礼作乐”开始的。虽不能说原始音乐歌舞对周代“乐教”没有影响,但二者却是性质完全不同的两种文化:前者是服务于“通天”的巫觋文化,后者是落脚于“治民”的世俗文化。前者所具有的文化精神在任何一个史前民族文化中都可以找到,后者的文化精神却只有在华夏民族的历史中才绽放异彩。如果说“制礼”乃“皆周之所以纲纪天下,其旨则在纳上下于道德,而合天子、诸侯、卿、大夫、士、庶民以成一道德之团体”,那么,“作乐”则是用以协和万邦、融洽上下、调节情感的文化创制,其旨则在让周人这一“道德之团体”在宗法封建的制度环境下享有和谐生活与艺术感受,培育出快乐精神,以保周天下的长治久安。因此,“乐教”是礼乐文化的重要内涵和制度保障,培养了华夏民族的精神向度和民族性格,故值得特别珍视和努力弘扬,以促进中华文明的伟大复兴。 Liu Shipei believes that there has already been“Luo education”during the sovereign of Shun,according to some literature from ancient times,and he understands the connotation of this“Luo education”as teaching through music(including dance).The findings of archeology have proven the existence of musical instruments and dance back in the neolithic age.However,the“Luo”(“乐”in Chinese,which is the same character as“music”)in oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions refer to the names of places,rather than music.It was not until King Wen of Zhou that“乐”represents the inner joy,which was related but not exclusive to music.The definite idea,complete system and effective management of“Luo education”started from the system of rites and music established by King Wen of Zhou.Although the earlier music and dance had certain impact on Zhou’s“musical education,”the cultures they represented were different in nature.The earlier music and dance served the transcendental culture of witchcraft,while the music of Zhou aimed at the secular culture of ruling the people.The cultural spirit of the former can be found in any prehistory nations,but that of the latter only shines in the history of Chinese nation.If we regard rules of“rites”as“the reason why the Zhou ruled the whole nation,and its purpose was to encompass the nation into a unified moral framework and unite the king,princes,scholars,and common people to form one moral community,”then the rules of“music”was the cultural mechanism to coordinate the states,harmonize the nobles and the commoners,and moderate emotions.Its purpose was to allow Zhou people,the“moral community,”to enjoy a harmonious life and artistic experience under the patriarchal and feudal system,and cultivate a happy spirit to maintain the long-term peace and stability of the world.Therefore,“Luo education”was an important connotation and institutional guarantee of the ritual and music culture,and has cultivated the spiritual dimension and national character of the Chinese nation.Therefore,it is worthy of special cherishment and efforts to promote,so as to accelerate the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization.
作者 王齐洲 Wang Qizhou(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Hubei Literary Theory and Criticism Research Center,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079)
出处 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期63-81,共19页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 乐教 愉悦 音乐 周公 制礼作乐 快乐精神 the Luo education joy music King Wen of Zhou the system of rites and music joyful spirit
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