

The Creativity of Resistance and Lost in Cultural Production:An Introduction of Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids Get Working Class Jobs
摘要 1977年出版的《学做工——劳工子弟何以接继父业》是英国伯明翰学派的代表人物保罗·威利斯的经典之作,在社会学、人类学、教育学等诸多学科领域持续产生重要影响。工人阶级的成长背景、少年时期的内心挣扎、剑桥大学的边缘生活深刻影响了保罗·威利斯的问题意识,西方马克思主义和方兴未艾的文化研究为他提供了理论对手和思想资源,英国伯明翰当代文化研究中心的学术文化促成了他独特的研究风格。反学校文化、同源理论与洞察组构了《学做工——劳工子弟何以接继父业》的核心理论框架。保罗·威利斯的思想特色突出体现为民族志方法的使用以及文化生产的辩证法。“家伙们”种种抵制的创造性和他们子承父业的结局之间形成了一种诡异的反讽,文化生产的胜利带来的绚烂最终归于工厂大门紧紧关闭后的失落。作为研究工人阶级社会再生产的里程碑,《学做工——劳工子弟何以接继父业》为打开工人阶级子弟子承父业的黑箱增加了抵制的维度和创造性之光,也引发了后续的诸多讨论和回应。 Learning to labour is a representative book of Paul Willis which was published in 1977.It has continued to have an important influence in sociology,anthropology,pedagogy and many other disciplines since its publication.The growing background of working class,the inner struggle of his youth and the marginal life of Cambridge University profoundly influenced Willis’s sense of problems.Western Marxism and the ascendant cul⁃tural studies provided him with theoretical rivals and intellectual resources.And the academic culture of Cen⁃ter for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham contributed to his unique research style.The counter school culture,homology theory and penetration at school constructed the core theortical framework of Learning to Labour.Willis’s ideological characteristics are highlighted by the method of ethnography and the dialectics of cultural production.There is a strange irony between the creativity of resistance and the consequence of reprodu⁃cation,while the triumph of cultural production eventually fades into the loss of the factory gate after it is tightly closed.As a milestone in the study of the reproduction of working-class,Learning to labor adds a dimension of resistance and a light of creativity to the black box of how working class kids get working class jobs,and trig⁃gers many discussions and responses.
作者 程猛 海子奕 CHENG Meng;HAI Zi-yi(Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《民族高等教育研究》 2021年第6期24-35,共12页 Research on Higher Education of Nationalities
基金 国家科学基金青年项目“当代中国农家子弟的阶层旅行与文化生产研究”(项目编号:18CSH013)的阶段性成果。
关键词 保罗·威利斯 《学做工——劳工子弟何以接继父业》 创造性 洞察 文化生产 Paul Willis Learning to Labor Creativity Penetration Cultural production
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