“梦校隔山海,山海亦可平。”步入常春藤名校,没有想象中那么难。哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院、牛津大学、剑桥大学……这些熠熠生辉的名校,对你来说,是否是遥不可及的梦想?如今,在Special A特优生的帮助下,数以千计的中国孩子已经将远大的梦想化为切实的目标,并将这些目标一一实现。“以优质的博雅教育配合留学,让中国孩子进入世界名校。”黄中阳说到了,也做到了。
Harvard,Yale,Stanford,MIT,Oxford,Cambridge...Are these shining universities an unattainable dream for you?Today,with the help of"Special A",thousands of Chinese children have turned their big dreams into tangible goals and made goals reality.Over the past 10 years,the"Special A"team has invited more than 130 professors from more than 40 major universities in the United States to teach in China and cultivated nearly 3,000 graduates."100%of the students apply for admission to TOP50 overseas universities".
Studying Abroad