
党建引领与社会互动:村域公共价值创造的实践机制——基于粤中L村的考察 被引量:6

Guiding Role of Party Building and Social Interaction:Practical Mechanism of Public Value Creation in Village Area:A Study Based on L Village in Guangdong Province
摘要 公共价值创造是增进公民福祉的重要战略工具。基于公共价值理论追踪粤中L村公共价值创造过程,运用案例研究方法,发掘村域公共价值创造的实践机制。结果表明:村域公共价值创造在于满足村民美好生活需要,关键在于发挥基层党组织引领作用,构建村“两委”主导、村民以及第三部门等多元主体参与格局,由此凸显党建引领与社会互动的实践图景;党建引领与社会互动贯穿于村域公共价值创造的全过程,体现在干部巡查与村民进言的价值识别机制、“四议两公开”的共识达成机制、村组引领与外部互动的环境支持机制、撬动组织内外资源的管理运作机制。然而,在村域引入公共价值创造理念,需要充分考虑村情,因地找寻村民的价值偏好,以更好地回应村民的需求。 Public value creation is an important strategic tool to improve citizens’well-being.Using the case study method and based on the theory of public value,the paper traced the process of public value creation in L Village in Guangdong Province and explored the practical mechanism of public value creation in the village area.The study found that public value in the village is created to meet villagers’needs for a better life,and that it is necessary to give full play to the building role of the grassroots Party organizations,and build a multi-subject pattern with Construction of village party branches led characterized by the leading of village cadres and the active participation of villagers and the third department,which highlights the practical picture of Party building and social interaction.Party building and social interaction run through the whole process of the value recognition mechanism of cadres’inspection and villagers’suggestion-making,the consensus reaching mechanism of“four discussions and two opens”,the environmental support mechanism of the party organization leading and external interaction,the management and operation mechanism of leveraging the internal and external resources of the organization.However,to introduce the concept of public value creation in the village area,it is necessary to fully consider the situation of the village and find out the value preference of the villagers according to the locality so as to better respond to the needs of the villagers.
作者 魏景容 WEI Jingrong(School of Public Policy,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China)
出处 《农林经济管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期797-804,共8页 Journal of Agro-Forestry Economics and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(20AZD006) 厦门大学研究生田野调查基金(2021FG025)。
关键词 乡村治理 公共价值创造 战略三角模型 积分制管理 rural governance public value creation strategic triangle model points system
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