目的探讨视频监控系统在我院静脉用药集中调配中心(Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Services,PIVAS)精细化管理中的应用价值。方法我院PIVASⅠ自2019年11月份重新改造后在所有重点工作区域引入视频监控系统强化质量管理,确保成品输液质量安全,以PIVASⅠ为实验组。以我院没有实施视频监控系统的PIVASⅡ为对照组。比较两组调配差错例数、药品报损例数、调配差错追溯时间、电话沟通时间、手卫生依从性、工作人员及病区护理人员满意度、质控检查合格率。结果实验组调配差错例数、药品报损例数、调配差错追溯时间、电话沟通时间明显低于对照组(P<0.05),手卫生依从性、工作人员及病区护理人员满意度、质控检查合格率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论视频监控系统在PIVAS的应用,对工作人员的行为进行了有效监督和指导,对于工作差错的追溯提供了确凿证据,提高了工作人员的积极性和主动性。实施全过程视频监控有利于各环节工作流程的优化,对PIVAS的精细化管理起到了积极有效的作用,值得推广。
Objective To explore the application value of video monitoring system in the fine management of pharmacy intravenous admixture services(PIVAS) in our hospital. Methods PIVAS Ⅰ of our hospital had introduced a video monitoring system in all working areas since its reconstruction in November 2019 to strengthen quality management to ensure the quality and safety of finished infusion. This was the experimental group. PIVAS Ⅱ without video monitoring system in our hospital was used as the control group. The number of dispensing errors, the number of drug reported loss cases, the time of tracing the dispensing errors,the time of telephone communication, the compliance of hand hygiene, the satisfaction of staff, the satisfaction of nurses in ward and the qualified rate of quality control inspection were compared between the two groups. Results In the experimental group,the number of dispensing errors, the number of drug reported loss cases, the time of tracing the dispensing errors and the time of telephone communication were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05), and the compliance of hand hygiene,the satisfaction of staff, the satisfaction of nurses in ward and the qualified rate of quality control inspection were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion The application of the video monitoring system in PIVAS can effectively supervise and guide the behavior of the staff, provide solid evidence for the traceability of work errors and improve the enthusiasm and initiative of the staff. The implementation of whole-process video monitoring is conducive to the optimization of the working process of each link. It plays a positive and effective role in the fine management of the PIVAS and is worth promoting and applying.
JIN Huixin;YAO Mengying;ZHAO Jianqun;PANG Guoxun(Department of Pharmacy,Hebei General Hospital,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050051,China)
China Medical Devices