
自闭症儿童的口腔疾病特征及治疗进展 被引量:3

Characteristics and treatment progress of oral diseases in autistic children
摘要 自闭症,又称孤独症,是广泛性发育障碍中最常见、最具有代表性的疾病。其主要症状为社会交往障碍、语言交流障碍、兴趣狭窄和行为刻板重复。与正常儿童的口腔问题相比,自闭症儿童的口腔问题更为复杂,两者的发病情况具有很大差异。除此之外,由于一些社会因素及自身疾病特征,自闭症儿童的口腔治疗对于口腔医生来说具有极大的挑战性。在这种情况下,根据自闭症人群口腔疾病的患病特点去研究更加可行有效治疗策略就显得尤为重要。于是,许多新方法应运而生,如多媒体介导的视觉治疗法等。本文将通过综述,介绍自闭症儿童的口腔疾病特征及治疗进展。 Autism,also known as autistic disorder,is the most common and representative disease in the pervasive developmental disorder.It is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication as well as repetitive patterns of behavior and limited interests.Children with autism exhibited more complicated oral diseases and higher prevalence compared to healthy children.In addition,the oral treatment for individuals with autism is extremely challenging for dentists,due to some social factors and the characteristics of the disease.In this situation,it is particularly important to study more feasible and effective treatment strategies according to the characteristics of oral diseases in autistic population.As a result,many new treatment methods,e.g.,visual therapy mediated via multimedia,have emerged.This article will review the characteristics and treatment progress of oral diseases in children with autism.
作者 方怡冰 严青 秦文 Fang Yibing;Yan Qing;Qin Wen(State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology,National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases,Shaanxi Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases,The Third Brigade of the College of Basic Medicine of the Air Force Military Medical University,Xi′an 710032,China;State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology,National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases,Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Stomatology,Department of Prosthodontics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University,Xi′an 710032,China;State Key Laboratory of Military Stomatology,National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases,Shaanxi Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases,Department of Orthodontics of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University,Xi′an 710032,China)
出处 《中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2021年第6期382-385,共4页 Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(82001079)。
关键词 孤独性障碍 口腔疾病 儿童口腔医学 Autistic disorder Mouth diseases Padiatric dentistry
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