

Study on the Key Technologies for Prevention and Control of Rock Burst in Underground Tunnels with Special High Geostress in Houziyan Hydropower Station
摘要 猴子岩水电站位于青藏高原向四川盆地过渡的斜坡地带,谷坡高陡,构造应力与高自重应力叠加造成天然状态下地应力量值高,最大主应力达36.43 MPa。更为特殊的是:其第二主应力高达29.8 MPa,与第一主应力的比值为0.82,远高于国内其他高地应力地下洞室群。因此,如何经济、高效、快速地进行岩爆预测、预防与治理尤为重要。针对猴子岩水电站地下洞室群的岩爆防治提出了具体的施工方法并付诸实施,取得了较好的效果,所取得的经验可为类似工程施工参考。 Houziyan hydropower station is located in the slope zone of transition from Qinghai Tibet Plateau to Sichuan Basin.The valley slope is high and steep.The superposition of tectonic stress and high gravity stress results in high geostress under natural state,with maximum principal stress of 36.43 MPa.However,what is more special is that the second principal stress is as high as 29.8 MPa and the ratio of the second principal stress to the first principal stress is 0.82,which is higher than that of other underground caverns with high geostress in China.Therefore,to predict,prevent and control rock burst economically,efficiently and quickly is particularly important.This paper proposes and puts into practice specific construction method in view of rock burst prevention and control in underground tunnel group of Houziyan Hydropower Station,which also provides reference for similar projects.
作者 王峻 WANG Jun(Sinohydro Bureau 7 Co., LTD, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610213)
出处 《四川水力发电》 2021年第6期16-19,共4页 Sichuan Hydropower
关键词 猴子岩水电站 高地应力 岩爆 施工方法 Houziyan Hydropower Station high geostress rock burst construction method
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