

Research on the Path and Practice of Improving the Learning Quality of Applied Undergraduate Innovative Talents under the Background of the New Era
摘要 应用型本科院校由于生源质量等客观原因,其学生在学习质量、学习成果等方面与研究型大学存在着现实差距。本文以本科创新性人才为研究对象,对其学习质量提升进行研究,探索和发现学生学习质量的决定因素,提供学生学习质量提升的路径和方法并进行实践,具体开展以“数字电子技术”系列课程作为试点课程,来探索提升学生学习质量的方法和路径。以“实践成果为目标”建立的多维度考评体系,强调“教学相长”,落实“团队协作”。本项目的开展对本院所有新工科专业课程体系的建立起到了促进作用,推动本院本科创新型人才学习质量得到大幅度的提升。 Due to the objective reasons such as the quality of students,there is a realistic gap between applied undergraduate universities and research universities in learning quality and learning achievements.This subject takes the undergraduate innovative talents as the research object,studies the improvement of their learning quality,explores and finds the determinants of students'learning quality,provides and practices the paths and methods to improve students'learning quality,and specifically carries out the"digital electronic technology"series courses as the pilot courses to explore the methods and paths to improve students'learning quality.The multi-dimensional evaluation system established with the goal of"practical achievement"emphasizes"teaching and learning"and implements"team cooperation".The development of this project has played a role in promoting the establishment of all the new engineering courses in our college,and promoted the learning quality of innovative talents in our college to be greatly improved.
作者 谢檬 朱旭 张安莉 XIE Meng;ZHU Xu;ZHANG Anli(City College,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an,Shaanxi Province,710018 China)
出处 《科技创新导报》 2021年第24期139-143,共5页 Science and Technology Innovation Herald
基金 陕西省教育科学“十三五”规划2020年度课题(项目编号:SGH20Y1384)。
关键词 一流课程 学习质量 创新人才 混合式教学 First class courses Learning quality Innovative talent Hybrid teaching
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