The archeologically unearthed objects of sericulture and the silkworms have abundant artistic images,either in two-dimensional linear forms,such as the silkworm pattern on the ivory carving cup unearthed in Hemudu[河姆渡],the silkworm shape,cocoon shape and silk shape symbols in the Neolithic pottery inscriptions in Shuangdun[双墩]Village,Bengbu[蚌埠]City,Anhui Province,or three-dimensional images such as ivory silkworm,jade silkworm,copper silkworm and golden silkworm,which can be collectively referred to as"the simulated forms of silkworm".The existing explanations of various simulated forms and functions of"silkworm"in academic circles can be summarized and classified into three types:Ⅰ)the"silkworm"is regarded as a totem,Ⅱ)the"silkworm"is used as a medium for the communication between human and gods,andⅢ)the"golden silkworm"is deemed as a symbol of wealth.There are more or less problems in these understandings.The research shows that some of simulated forms or the artistic image expressions of silkworm function at the material level as decorative symbols,or ornaments worn by people,while others function as something that can be hardly explained now like wizard magic tools.But they share the same spiritual functions,that is,all use the image of"silkworm"to contain a unique intention,which is inwardly connected with the expression of ancient Chinese outlook on life.First of all,the life of silkworm only lasts 40-60 days.It is easy to observe the change process of silkworm from egg and larva to pupa and moth.Human life is similar to but longer than that of silkworm.The female silkworm moth[阴]lays eggs after mating with a male silkworm moth[阳],and the eggs hatch larvae which start a new life,forming an endless cycle and endless life,which is completely consistent with the outlook on life in Confucianism and Taoism.Secondly,compared with the larva,the silkworm moth,after experiencing the hardships of"cocooning and self-binding",has wings to surpass the original moving trajectory of crawling on the two-dimensional plane,which is also quite similar to the Taoist thought of becoming an immortal.Silkworms become pupae and moths for rebirth after spinning,cocooning and self-wrapping,which is exactly the same as wrapping corpse with silk fabrics in the hope that people can be reborn after death.Thirdly,the silkworm produces silk as long as hundreds of meters or even kilometers,which can symbolize people’s expectation of longevity.Fourthly,silk can be made into exquisite silk fabrics,which can be made into clothes and sacrificial articles as well.Therefore,we believe that the artistic image of silkworm reflects the life outlook and philosophical view of the Chinese ancients,that is,the concepts pursued by the Chinese ancients,such as resurrection from the dead,endless succession,emergence into immortality and infinite happiness,which echo the philosophy expressed in the traditional Chinese Confucianism and Taoism.
LI Fa;XIANG Zhonghuai(Silk Culture Innovation Research Institute,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou 510225,China;Institute ofChinese Language and Text Studies,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China;State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
Journal of Silk
ivory silkworm
simulated form
artistic expression
philosophy of life