
阶级视域下英国家庭的教育选择与偏好研究 被引量:3

A Study on the Educational Choices and Preferences of Families in the UK from the Perspective of Class
摘要 英国家庭的教育选择被广泛认为与阶级背景相关联,教育再生产在一定程度上能够通过将学术等级转化为社会等级来实现。教育选择在个体人生的不同阶段表现出不同的选择偏好和选择特点,并且选择偏好和影响因素在个体中学、大学和代际决策过程中会发生改变。对英国工人阶级家庭而言,其初代决策受物质和文化要素影响,与家庭成员的工作和性别分工相适应;二代决策更加考虑地域和经济因素;三代决策倾向于选择私立教育,认为高等教育实现了工人阶级身份的上升流动。对英国中产阶级家庭而言,其初代决策和二代决策优先考虑学校的学术性、课程,而非地域、经济支持和未来的工作与薪资,三代决策仍然优先选择私立教育,倾向于获得延迟满足。 The educational choice of families in the UK is widely considered to be related to class background.To a certain extent,educational reproduction can be realized by transforming academic level into social level.Educational choice shows dissimilar preference and characteristics in different stages of individual life,choice preference and the influencing factors of choice change in their decision-making process.For working-class in the UK,educational decisions made by the first generation are influenced by material and cultural factors and adapt to the work and gender division of family members;educational decisions made by the second generation take more regional and economic factors into account;educational decisions made by the third generation tend to choose independent education because working class believe that higher education can realize the upward mobility of their class identity.For middle-class in the UK,educational decisions made by the first and second generation give priority to the academic and curriculum of the school,rather than geographical,economic support,future work and salary.Besides,educational decisions made by the third generation of the middle class still give priority to independent education and tend to obtain delayed satisfaction.
作者 王玥琳 Andrew Miles WANG Yuelin;Andrew Miles(School of Public Administration,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;School of Social and Science,University of Manchester,Manchester,M139PL,UK)
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第11期63-78,共16页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号:B210203036) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(项目编号:B200203160) 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(项目编号:KYCX20-0416)。
关键词 英国 教育选择 工人阶级 中产阶级 公立教育 私立教育 UK educational choice working class middle class state education independent education
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