

The Exploration and Contribution of Rationalized Development Mode of Armed Forces with Chinese Characteristics in the Past Century
摘要 武装力量作为维护社会有序性的基本工具,是国家诞生的主要成分和政权稳定的关键,因此,武装力量的运用在现代化进程中扮演极为重要的角色。虽然国家拥有合法处理暴力的唯一正当性,但如何适应现代化进程需要,在经济理性和国家制度架构中有效处理军队暴力,并不是一件容易之事。受制于不同性质条件下的经济生产方式和政治生态影响,先发现代化国家和后发现代化国家出现了不同的理性化发展模式。中国共产党作为为人民谋幸福、为人民而战的后发现代化国家的无产阶级政党,走出了一条既不同于先发现代化国家,也不同于后发现代化国家的党对人民军队绝对领导下的武装力量理性化发展之路。正是这一道路的开拓,使得中国特色社会主义既有了独特的军事文明发展,又有了捍卫"特色"的底气与能力。只有梳理中国特色武装力量理性化发展模式的百年探索与贡献,才能在大国军事金融博弈日益突出的今天,深刻理解中国建设世界一流军队的正当性与正义性,形成全民国防共识与行动,为百年未有之大变局下实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦奠定坚实的军事基础和社会基础。 As a basic tool to maintain social order,the armed forces are the main components of the birth of a country and the key to the stability of the regime,and therefore,the use of armed forces in the process of modernization plays an extremely important role.While the state has the sole legitimate right to deal with violence,it is not easy to effectively deal with military violence in the context of economic rationality and the institutional framework of the state,as required by the modernization process.Because of the influence of economic mode of production and political ecology under different conditions,there are different rational development modes between the country with the first-comer in modernization and the later comer.The Communist Party of China,as a proletarian party of a late-comer in modernization that seeks happiness for the people and fights for them,and follows a path of rationalized development of the armed forces under the absolute leadership of the army by the party,which is different from both the first-comer and the late-comer in modernization.It is the opening up of this road that makes the socialism with Chinese characteristics not only has the unique military civilization development,but also has the strength and ability to defend the"characteristics".Only by combing the century-long exploration and contribution of the rationalized development model of the armed forces with Chinese characteristics can we have a deep understanding of the legitimacy and justice of China’s building a world-class military force in today’s increasingly prominent military financial game,the formation of national defense consensus and action to lay a strong military and social foundation for realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation in a time of profound changes unseen in a century.
作者 张雪梅 ZHANG Xuemei(School of Marxism,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200433,China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2022年第2期1-11,共11页 Journal of Yunmeng
基金 上海交通大学马克思主义学院科研创新重大培育项目“新时代党的群众路线创新与百年大党使命命运研究”(2019ZDPY07)。
关键词 武装力量理性化 发展模式 百年探索 贡献 rationalization of armed forces development mode century exploration contribution
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