Many firms have been very active in adopting digital technology and conducting dig⁃ital transformation in order to improve technological capability and managerial capability,and deal with challenges from external competitors.Unfortunately,the results are not necessarily sat⁃isfying.A key reason is that digital transformation solutions have their own shortcomings,which cannot accurately reflect the characteristics and requirements of application scenarios.There⁃fore,it is very important to improve the capabilities and product quality of digital transformation solution providers.Gridsum is a professional digital transformation solution provider,which has demonstrated strong capabilities in providing effective digital transformation solutions.This pa⁃per studies how this enterprise cultivates this ability.to develop a deep understanding about the processes and key characteristic of capability development at Gridsum,a theory guided single case study method is used in this paper.The study finds that two practices are crucial in Grid⁃sum's success.First,Gridsum has followed an approach of simplifying complicated tasks.Specif⁃ically,different from other leading firms in the industry,Gridsum does not try to develop one dig⁃ital transformation solution that could be applied in many industries and application contexts.Gridsum's strategy is to develop highly customized solutions for specific industries and applica⁃tion contexts.Second,Gridsum has found a new model that was clearly superior to the prevailing practice.That is,the experimental field of"data scientists+industry experts"should be estab⁃lished in Beijing Gridsum as close as possible to the real application scenarios,rather than sim⁃ply relying on the establishment of close interaction with users,let alone indirect understanding of users'needs through a third party,nor simply relying on users to provide specific industry knowledge.This means turning experienced and knowledgeable industry experts into employees of the company and establishing close collaboration between data scientists and industry experts within the company.Although this is a much more expensive and slower process,it is a much more effective strategy.From a deeper perspective,Gridsum's capability cultivation has long term and future-oriented characteristics,which is closely related to the guiding role of core val⁃ues and corporate culture of the founders.These findings have important theoretical and practi⁃cal significance.For example,these findings might help us to develop deeper understanding about the key factors affecting the evolution of complex technologies such as digital transforma⁃tion solutions,which are supported by big data and artificial intelligence(There is a need to"simplifying complicated tasks"and build capacity within digital transformation solution provid⁃ers to understand application scenarios in depth,rather than just by interacting with users).
Gao Xudong;Wang Xiaoyu;Wang Jinxiao;Li Xiaohua;Wang Shuyang(School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;School of Management,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China)
Innovation science and technology
digital transformation
artificial intelligence(AI)
data scientists
industry ex⁃perts