
东西方美术交流视野下的东亚美术史先驱恩内斯特·费诺罗萨 被引量:1

Ernest Fenollosa: The Pioneer of East Asiatic Art History from the Perspective of East-West Art Exchange
摘要 恩内斯特·费诺罗萨是近代日本美术复兴及19世纪末20世纪初东西方美术交流不可缺失的先驱人物。他不以西方美学为主导,而积极鼓吹东方美术价值及美学思想,持续向美国和欧洲推扬东方艺术。费诺罗萨有幸亲身研究日本珍藏的中国第一流古书画,而且受天皇委任对国内艺术财产进行分类登记与管理。他以哲学、社会学、人类学等多重角度阐释中国和日本美术的特征,所著《中日艺术源流:东亚美术史纲》具有划时代意义。时至今日,由费诺罗萨等学者确立的鉴赏模式,依然深刻地影响着欧美博物馆的东亚艺术品味。这位毕生研究并推介东亚美术的外国学者不应该被忽视,尤其是对于架构东西方美术交流桥梁所做出的重要贡献。 Ernest Fenollosa is an important pioneer in the revival of modern Japanese art and East-West art exchange at the end of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century. Instead of being dominated by Western aesthetics, he actively advocated the value and aesthetic thought of Oriental Art and continued to promote Oriental Art to the United States and European countries. With the honor to study the first-class ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting collected in Japan, Fenollosa was appointed by the emperor to classify, register and manage the domestic art property all over the country. He explained the characteristics of Chinese and Japanese art from the perspectives of philosophy, sociology and anthropology in his book Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art: An Outline History of East Asiatic Design, which had the epoch-making significance. Today, the appreciation mode established by Fenollosa and other scholars still has a profound impact on the East Asiatic art taste of European and American museums. Such a foreign scholar who had lifelong studied and promoted East Asiatic arts should not be ignored, especially for his important contributions to the East-West art exchange.
作者 夏娃 张永良 李军 XIA Wa;ZHANG Yong-liang;LI Jun(School of Architecture,Yantai University,Yantai 264005,China;China Yixing Ceramic Museum,Yixing 214221,China;School of Humanities,Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijing 100105,China)
出处 《美育学刊》 2022年第1期61-68,共8页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
关键词 费诺罗萨 东亚美术 妙想 东西方美术交流 Ernest Fenollosa East Asiatic art ideal East-West art exchange
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