

Effects of the ovipositor stabbing of Aphelinus maculatus(Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae)on the survival,development and fecundity of its host Myzus persicae(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
摘要 【目的】褐带蚜小蜂Aphelinus maculatus是2016年的中国新纪录种,是桃蚜Myzus persicae的重要寄生蜂之一。为科学评估褐带蚜小蜂对桃蚜的控制作用,研究了褐带蚜小蜂产卵器刺入对寄主桃蚜存活、生长发育和繁殖力的影响。【方法】培养皿中用油菜叶单头饲养、每天记录被褐带蚜小蜂产卵器刺入1次的桃蚜存活数、被寄生数、死亡数、幸存者发育及繁殖情况。【结果】褐带蚜小蜂产卵器刺入桃蚜1次后会导致其死亡、幸存及被寄生。被刺桃蚜的死亡率与其日龄和被刺时间有关,1日龄若蚜被刺后死亡率最高,为45%;被刺时间越长,死亡率越高。桃蚜存活率、褐带蚜小蜂寄生率随桃蚜日龄的增加而增加。被刺幸存者的若虫存活期、产仔前期较未被刺对照延长,产仔期及产仔后期较对照显著缩短,其中被刺3日龄若蚜的产仔期最短,较未被刺对照缩短13.7±1.7 d。被刺幸存者成虫寿命显著缩短,并与被刺桃蚜日龄有关,2日龄和3日龄若蚜被刺后成虫寿命缩短最明显,分别较对照缩短了12.5 d和11.2 d。被刺幸存者繁殖力(平均每头蚜虫的产仔量)显著降低,被刺日龄越小,产仔量减少越明显,1日龄若蚜被刺幸存者产仔量较未被刺对照减少39.1±4.9头,成蚜被刺幸存者产仔量减少25.2±2.7头。【结论】褐带蚜小蜂除了寄生和取食桃蚜外,产卵器刺入蚜体后的不成功寄生可延长幸存桃蚜的生长发育期,或幸存者的寿命缩短、繁殖力下降,这些影响对评价褐带蚜小蜂控蚜能力非常重要。 【Aim】Aphelinus maculatus is a newly recorded species in China in 2016,and one of the most important parasitoids of the peach aphid,Myzus persicae.In order to evaluate the control ability of A.maculatus to M.persicae scientifically,we investigated the effects of the ovipositor stabbing of A.maculatus on the survival,development and fecundity of its host peach aphid.【Methods】M.persicae aphids stabbed by the ovipositor(ovipositor insertion into aphid body and withdrawing out once)of A.maculatus were reared individually on the rape leaf-let in the petri-dish.The number of survival individuals,number of parasitized individuals,and number of death individuals of M.persicae,and the development and reproduction of the survivors were recorded daily until the death of the aphid.【Results】The effects of the ovipositor stabbing of A.maculatus on peach aphid included lethal,survival and parasitism.The mortality of peach aphid stabbed by the ovipositor of A.maculatus decreased with the increase of peach aphid age,and that of the 1-day-old nymphs stabbed by ovipositor of A.maculatus was the highest(45%).The longer the stabbing time,the higher the mortality of the peach aphid.The survival rate of peach aphid and parasitism rate of A.maculatus increased with the increase of the peach aphid age.The nymphal survival period and pre-reproduction duration of survival peach aphid were longer than that of the control(not being stabbed),but the reproduction duration and post-reproduction duration were significantly shorter than that of the control.The reproduction duration of the 3-day-old nymphs stabbed by the ovipositor of A.maculates was the shortest,being shortened by 13.7±1.7 d as compared to that of the control.The adult longevity of survivors of the peach aphid stabbed by the ovipositor of A.maculatus was significantly shortened and related to the age of peach aphid when being stabbed.The adult longevity of the 2-day-old and 3-day-old nymphs stabbed by the ovipositor of A.maculates was impacted greatly,being shortened by 12.5 and 11.2 d,respectively,as compared to that of the control.The fecundity(number of offspring produced per aphid)of the stabbed survivors decreased significantly,and the younger the stabbed age,the fewer the fecundity.The stabbed survivors from the 1-day-old nymphs and adults produced 39.1±4.9 and 25.2±2.7 offspring fewer than their non-stabbed controls,respectively.【Conclusion】In addition to parasitism and feeding on peach aphid,ovipositor stabbing(unsuccessful parasitization)by A.maculatus will prolong the growth and development phase of survival peach aphid and reduce its life span and fecundity.These effects of the ovipositor stabbing of A.maculatus on the survival,development and fecundity of its host may play important roles in evaluation of its aphid control ability.
作者 刘青娴 王晓丽 李可琢 张国亮 段立清 LIU Qing-Xian;WANG Xiao-Li;LI Ke-Zhuo;ZHANG Guo-Liang;DUAN Li-Qing(Forestry College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Huhhot 010019,China;Qingshuihe County Forestry and Grassland Bureau,Huhhot 010600,China)
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期94-101,共8页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31660207)。
关键词 褐带蚜小蜂 桃蚜 未成功寄生 幸存者 生长发育 繁殖力 Aphelinus maculatus Myzus persicae unsuccessful parasitization survivor development fecundity
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