
基于开源切片路径规划的机器人电弧增材制造系统 被引量:3

Development of wire arc additive manufacturing robotic system based on open source slicing software for path planning
摘要 为提高电弧增材制造的灵活性和路径规划可靠性,使用ABB IRB1410工业机器人和Fronius CMT TPS3200焊接电源,通过Python自主编程利用开源切片软件Cura,成功搭建了电弧增材制造系统,自主开发了电弧增材制造软件,并进行了4043铝合金电弧增材成形.结果表明,自主开发的电弧增材软件能够读取开源切片软件Cura输出的二维路径数据,并进行转换和输入工业机器人,控制焊枪运行路径和焊接电源运行参数,有效实现电弧增材制造.使用直径1.2 mm的4043铝合金焊丝,在送丝速度为3.2 m/min、焊接速度8 mm/s、层高1.65mm、氩气保护气体流量15 L/min条件下,分别成功制备71层单道多层试样和58层单道多层壳体零件.试样微观组织分析结果表明,成形件凝固组织为典型柱状晶,层与层之间搭接良好.壳体零件形状完整、表面质量良好. In order to improve the flexibility and path planning reliability of arc additive manufacturing, a novel arc additive manufacturing system was developed using Python based on open source slicing software Cura, with the platform of ABB IRB1410 industrial robot and Fronius CMT TPS3200 welding power supply. And 4043 aluminum alloy parts were fabricated by the system successfully. The results showed that the self developed software was reliable to read the twodimensional path data output by the open source slicing software Cura, and convert it to identifiable controlling data of the robot. It can transfer the controlling data to the robot and control the movement of the welding torch and the operation of the welding power supply, thereby performing the wire arc additive manufacturing. A 71 layers straight wall sample and a58 layers complex shell part were fabricated by the system with a wire of 1.2 mm diameter under the conditions of 3.2 m/min wire feeding speed, 8 mm/s welding speed, 1.65 mm layer height and 15 L/mm argon shielding gas flow rate. The results showed that solidification microstructure of the fabricated sample was a typical columnar crystal with the fine condition of overlapping between layers, and the complex shell part was complete shaped with good surface quality.
作者 洪恩航 刘美红 黎振华 HONG Enhang;LIU Meihong;LI Zhenhua(Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming,650500,China)
机构地区 昆明理工大学
出处 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期65-69,I0004,I0005,共7页 Transactions of The China Welding Institution
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51961017) 云南省基础研究重点项目(202101AS070017) 云南省重点研发计划(202103AN080001-002)。
关键词 电弧增材制造 机器人 开源切片 路径规划 微观组织形貌 成形精度 wire arc additive manufacturing robot open source slicing software path planning microstructure morphology forming precision
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