
肉体和精神的和解与历史之谜的解答——关于马克思历史观的思考 被引量:1

Physical and Spiritual Reconciliation and the Answer to the Mystery of History:Reflections on Marx’s Concept of History
摘要 马克思的唯物主义历史观把人需要吃、喝、住、穿作为历史的根基确立起来。在人类的文明史上,人虽然也要满足自然的需要,却是在肉体和精神对立的基础上来看待人自身的自然。马克思颠覆了这种二元对立,强调人的自然是一种社会化的自然。在此基础上,他否定了从同一性原则的角度来理解人的本质,而是从精神和肉体的冲突与和解中理解人的本质。马克思基于这一观念提出了一种全新的历史概念,即物质文明史和精神文明史的冲突与和解的历史观念。当他从这样一个角度来理解历史时,历史就不能被理解为异化和异化扬弃的历史。对于马克思来说,人类文明史的一个核心问题就是解决人的精神和肉体之间的矛盾。马克思的历史观不仅为我们理解文明史提供了一个全新的视角,而且给我们思考当代现实中的重要问题提供了新的思路。 Marx’s historical materialism established people’s basic needs-food,beverage,shelter and clothing-as the foundation of history.In the history of human civilization,although people have to satisfy the needs of nature,humans’own nature is viewed on the basis of physical and spiritual opposition.Marx subverted this binary opposition and emphasized that human nature was a socialized nature.On this basis,Marx denied the understanding of human nature from the perspective of the principle of identity,but sought to understand human nature in terms of the conflict and reconciliation between spirit and body.Based on this idea,Marx put forward a brand-new historical concept-the historical concept of conflict and reconciliation between the history of material civilization and the history of spiritual civilization.While Marx understood history from such a new perspective,history could not be understood as the history of alienation and the sublation of alienation.As far as Marx is concerned,a core issue in the history of human civilization is to resolve the contradiction between human spirit and body.Capitalism combines the rationalization system with the principle of survival and competition,pushing this contradiction to the extreme.This historical view of Marx is of great significance for us to theoretically criticize the thoughts of Baudrillard,Heidegger and others and to analyze practical issues.
作者 王晓升 WANG Xiao-sheng(School of Philosophy,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,Hubei)
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“阿多诺现代性批判理论深度研究”(19BZX002) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目。
关键词 马克思 历史观 肉体和精神的和解 人自身的自然 人的本质 Marx historical view physical and spiritual reconciliation human nature essence of humans
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